Love the game, but I also love Dark Souls 2.

Was wondering why Dark Souls 2 Is loathed by some fans and Dark Souls 3 is venerated by the those same fans?

  • AtomPunk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Personally DS2 was my first souls so I still like it about the same or even more than DS1

    Miyazaki was not involved

    Lore is disconnected from the first game; compare to DS3 which has tons of callbacks to the original

    Trash mobs are everywhere, enemy placement is crap

    Said mobs also disappear after dying so many times; this is a pain when farming souls

    People will say soul memory but I can’t recall what that is off the top of my head

    Bosses are comparatively easy

    Covers a few common complaints about DS2

    E: to be fair, doesn’t speak to ds3’s merits as a sequel but I believe they’re related

    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Soul memory was a mechanic they implemented, (rather poorly imho), to stop people twinking low level players.

      Basically, every soul you collect increases a score, at certain thresholds it would push you up a multiplayer bracket. Meaning players with high soul memory could only interact with other high soul memory players. This helped to balance out PVP slightly by making it so someone with a low level but late game gear couldn't invade early players, ( killing the four main bosses for the shrine of winter ups your soul memory to approximately 1000000), but it also makes it nearly impossible to do a significant amount of jolly cooperation because the amount of souls you'd gain for killing bosses would rapidly space you out of the range for helping other players at a similar stage as you.

      • AtomPunk [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Okay, now I remember why I put it down. I couldn’t sunbro properly, and this didn’t gel with my STR/FTH build. Going back to replay a boss fight was nearly impossible.

        • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I like to sunbro in dark souls and it really frustrated that soul memory got in the way of me lending a hand.

          • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
            4 years ago

            Soul Memory would have been a much better mechanic if they had it work off of souls that you've invested in some way rather than just souls that you've had (and maybe also checked for the level of your weapons the way DS3 ended up doing). That way, you could intentionally lose souls to keep Sunbroing, and also a regular player who loses a bunch of souls by accident doesn't end up being as heavily penalized.