Not only did an admin post some awful sexism, but none of the other mods removed the comment or banned them.

So not only are we dealing with letting racism slide, sexism as well. Really thought we were better than this, guess not.

  • AHexbearUser [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Not only did an admin post some awful sexism

    come on. you dont know me, but i know you. i know you're not just here to troll. so why are you trolling?

    the point they were making is that "why are you letting racism run rampant" or however you specifically phrased it is a loaded question. the extremely common example of a loaded question is, "why are you beating your wife?" This is a good example because it is a horrible act that you are just assuming the person in question did and then demanding that they come up with an excuse for. "im not beating my wife" is a weak response, even if it's true. the only way to respond to a loaded question is just to point it out, which is exactly what the admin did