swear to god if i have to listen to how corona was made in a lab and how the gays are bad one more time im jumping into a meat grinder

    4 years ago

    everyone in my family is shamelessly racist, really deep into QAnon, and they think they will bring christ back into my life by sending me infographics about Soros and bringing me to their church meetings to hear old men talk about Bush wasn’t brutal enough in the Middle East and how Trump is going to launch a holy war to annihilate Islam once and for all.

    my stepdad literally thinks every black person who walks by the house is an Antifa scout and sits in the living room muttering to himself about Soros getting arrested. he’s really fucked up in the head due to a series of workplace accidents back in the day and is incredibly paranoid and violent, and i’m worried its only a matter of time before we can’t restrain him and he attacks a black neighbor walking their dog or something.