After I spent a while doing rideshare in a major city, I now believe that suburban people are paranoid weirdos.

  • squidonstrike [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Wait until you hear about people in nice suburbs fearing the 'bad' suburbs.

    I work at a school in a pretty nice suburb. I have a second job and one of my coworkers (who went to a school in a slightly more advantaged area) said with all seriousness 'sorry you work in a crack school Squid.'

    Meanwhile when I was in school my older brother feared the 'rougher' parts of the neighborhood surrounding our high school, which was also a suburb.

    I really don't understand how some people live.

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Let me guess, the less nice suburb came first, then POC who made money started moving in and so then the people from the less nice suburb moved to the nice suburb?

      • squidonstrike [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Not really. Still all overwhelmingly white, just some have higher populations of lower income people (of every persuasion).

        I think my brother at least truly believes that Futurama joke about poverty being a mental illness that needs to be quarantined.