After I spent a while doing rideshare in a major city, I now believe that suburban people are paranoid weirdos.
I grew up in pretty wealthy suburbs. They do believe this, and they are absolutely paranoid weirdos. The news pretty much just throws hate and fear into peoples faces every night. Examples are stories about the knock out game, home invasions, ms-13, or ANTIFA. The schools I went to were pretty much 90% rich white kids, and we were warned about wearing "gang paraphernalia" like raiders jackets, or crips and bloods colors, or whatever.
gang paraphernalia like raiders jackets? the same black jackets kids started wearing in oakland in the 80s/90s BECAUSE it was unaffiliated with gang colors but still made them look hard (because the 80s 90s raiders were known to be a tough team, who plays tough offense and defense not bc theyre gang members..... )? i know white ppl are afraid of the raiders bc of NWA but damn get it right lol no wonder white ppl look at me funny when i rock the black
anyway heres an archived article from 91 discussing the gang raiders colors phenom
like jesus christ i was even alive in 91 and i left SF as a kid but even i know this /// white suburbanites really spend alot of time making up folklore and mythical shit about poor blacks // blatantly just misreading situations and yelling "gang" whenever they dont understand stuff
like jesus christ i was even alive in 91 and i left SF as a kid but even i know this /// white suburbanites really spend alot of time making up folklore and mythical shit about poor blacks // blatantly just misreading situations and yelling “gang” whenever they dont understand stuff
Not just black people! I know a guy who swore up and down that a Vietnamese immigrant was trying to kidnap his dog to kill and eat it until he chased him off with a gun.
From the Vietnamese guy's perspective, I imagine he started petting a cute, friendly dog until he was suddenly chased off by a gun-waving maniac screaming racial slurs.
Lol. Really doesn't surprise me that they thought anything popular with black kids was gang related.
Suburbs exist because white people wanted to get away from POC. It's also probably the isolation.
Suburbia is like if you got all the psycho libertarians who live 30 minutes away from their closest neighbor and put them within a few hundred feet of each other, with an HOA. They all fucking hate each other and everyone else but they're not rich enough to own a bunch of land.
Yeah, in a recent thread it was mentioned how cities and the country more broadly have pretty much never been safer, but the news is very good at getting people to be paranoid about this stuff.
It’s like terraria. Once you start passing through the biome different music plays and the water colour changes.
Wealthy NY investment bankers take the subways daily... does whoever that is really think they're a better mugging target than the literal 1%?
There are Finnish chuds who believe that going to a mall in eastern Helsinki (an area with lots of immigrants) will result in having your head cut off by Mad Max-style gangs of Somalis, Afghans and Iraqis
No, these people don't live in Helsinki, how'd you guess
saw twitch chatters talking about Malmostan the other day :kermit-pain:
Finnish chuds probably think white people just straight up end up cooked alive in a big cauldron by cannibal savages like missionaries in a newspaper cartoon from 1895 if they set foot in Malmö
my cousin brought that up at a family gathering a few years back - problem is, between the two of us only I had actually been to Malmö
i just dogsat for some suburbanites. these people had 7 goddamn video cameras on their house. didn't even have all that nice shit to rob, ridiculous.
going around the suburbs and stealing only the security cameras would be a good bit
I'm willing to bet the most valuable things in their house were, ironically, the cameras themselves?
i bet they paid the most for their STAINED GLASS portraits of their dogs, but that shit would have zero resale lmao
I love my cats, but paying ridiculous amount of money for stained glass portraits of them...
God, one of my coworkers is like that, she has alerts setup whenever someone so much as walks on their lawn. I've had to talk her down a couple times becuase some delivery guy walked across their lawn to get to their neighbors house, which she thinks is someone casing their house to either rob/burn down/murder them.
She's genuinely a nice person and pretty lib (which is good for our reactionary small town) but holy shit what suburban mindset does to a mf.
my parents have cameras inside the house and two fuckin rings
i love them but the suburban paranoia has definitely gotten to them
Some of my suburban friends pretty much thought I was going to be killed in the riots over the summer even though I live in one of the lowest crime neighborhoods in town and people weren't even being killed. Then one asked if I wanted to crash at his place in the burbs on election night "in case somebody tries something". They have absolutely no concept of what cities are like. It's crazy because I grew up in the same place they did. I swear this happened when they moved even further from the city. Are there a few areas I won't walk around alone at night? Sure, that's just being a smart city dweller. Do I live in constant fear of being murdered? God no.
Funny enough, my mom was worried about me on election night and the weeks after... because she thought that suburb and rural Trump supporters might be going into the city to try and start shit.
Yeah that was the part that baffled me. Like most cities, mine is extremely liberal. Hell even the burbs kind of are. I was like if Trump loses there's nobody here who cares enough to riot, if Biden loses anyone who cares is a huge pussy and won't do anything about it.
It's a truly bizarre phenomenon. I've even seen cases of suburbann whites who were cautious entering a majority white, bougie downtown area.
Like just the buildings being more than three stories and not having unused lawns spooked them.
my mum is fucking terrified of me going into the city to deliver alcohol lmao, she's like "be careful, lots of junkies in that area so DO NOT go there"
like ok very normal
When the suburbanites consider cities and ghettos "no go areas" and dangerous, they have to know the people living there are often PoC and horribly oppressed by society/capitalism. The suburb folks, I think, are guiltily aware that they benefit from the oppression going on in cities, and would be angry if it was happening to them, so they expect to be the targets of revenge if they went into those poor communities. Hence, racist projection from a guilty conscience.
Ah, OK. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. That was the cause of a lot of the hatred against Obama (as opposed to, you know, the legitimate reasons to hate him). They assumed that a black president would get revenge on white people for everything they did. That was also the basis behind the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory.
Funny, considering that for most suburbanites their only interaction with the city is the annual ball game they attend where they get drunk at a warehouse-turned-brewery that also served sliders and then barf over a street bench.
I didn't realize I lived in a bad neighborhood until I went to university in Irvine. Elementary schools and golf courses with no fences. I didn't need to provide two forms of identification to sell my books back. They didn't even ask. That was actually a fish out of water scene for me.
lol there is another. Do you want to be the master or the apprentice on our journey to rule the hexbear?
Wait until you hear about people in nice suburbs fearing the 'bad' suburbs.
I work at a school in a pretty nice suburb. I have a second job and one of my coworkers (who went to a school in a slightly more advantaged area) said with all seriousness 'sorry you work in a crack school Squid.'
Meanwhile when I was in school my older brother feared the 'rougher' parts of the neighborhood surrounding our high school, which was also a suburb.
I really don't understand how some people live.
Let me guess, the less nice suburb came first, then POC who made money started moving in and so then the people from the less nice suburb moved to the nice suburb?
Not really. Still all overwhelmingly white, just some have higher populations of lower income people (of every persuasion).
I think my brother at least truly believes that Futurama joke about poverty being a mental illness that needs to be quarantined.
and i love it. anything to get yall to stay the fuck outta here
but yeah the urban crime shit is just racism and classism (theres probably some homophobia and transphobia in there too)
i remember when i wanted to move out of my shitty suburb hometown and to the bay and could only afford the hood and thought to myself, "hmm, oakland has a population of 400,000 people. i can't imagine if everyone was killing each other all the time that that many people would still choose to live there. i think i've been misled most of my life."
“average person gets murdered in oakland" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person gets 0 murdered per year. Murders LangdonAlger, who lives in oakland cave & murdered 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Years ago I lived in a predominantly black neighborhood in a city and neighborhood that was and still is rapidly gentrifying. My parents hated that I lived there and insisted it was a bad neighborhood. My partner at the time also hated living there and her reasoning was that she was sick and tired of getting cat called every day walking to work as a white girl. I can't exactly comment on this a cis man.
The only negative interaction I had in two years of living there was a bunch of teens called me a fggt lol. I firmly told them that that was offensive and I'm their neighbor and don't appreciate being treated that way and they apologized. I often think about the families being pushed out of those neighborhoods by rising rents and young, white professionals moving in. I'm not entirely surprised that a group of young kids think that their only way they can shift the balance of power is to try to offend the people moving in. I can't blame them entirely.
youre a lot more mature than me, every time i get called a fg i say "i may like dick but i still get more pussy than you" amd i feel like that wouldnt have gone over well
Haha that's understandable. I think teens was an overstatement. I feel like the age range was like 7-12. And I don't think yelling at children would have been a good look for me.