this is probably just a low-effort “fuck me i love communism” post, but i found this thought kinda interesting so i felt like sharing.

ever since i can remember even before i even knew what politics were, i’ve always unknowingly advocated for leftist ideals. i remember when we had baking days in kindergarten i would hate how only our teacher would be allowed to try our cakes and pies. Like we were involved in the making so we should have some too, like fuck, the workers deserve the fruits of their labours. i would get so sad when adults pulled a Jordan Peterson and referred to my sense of justice as “being envious”. Even as a little child I’ve always believed in giving people a second chance, and thought everyone should have access to the same experiences I as an upper-ish middle class white girl enjoyed.

for a long time I thought there was something wrong with me. i went to a very snobby private school for a few years and although i had good friends there were also some very very shitty people who just constantly put others down. and not even my loved ones would share the same anger and preoccupation with the injustices we witnessed on a daily basis.

then when i was 13-ish I became interested in politics and learned there was this thing called “marxism” that comprised everything I’d ever stood for and i loved how in fact there were tons of people throughout history who felt the same way. Naturally I also learned about other ideologies but not even my libertarian best friend or my soc dem parents were able to convert to convert me.

And now at 18 I fully embrace my commie side, i have come to realized that as much as empathy can be a burden it is also what confers meaning to one’s life. i would never want to live like Trump or some other millionaire asshole who cared about no one but himself.