Looking for something to get lost in that will engross me easily. Only anime I’ve really finished are Dragonball Z and Dragonball Super
I don't really think there is such a thing as a beginner show if you're interested already. My first introduction to anime was watching Paranoia Agent and Ergo Proxy out of order at 1am, worked fine for me.
FMA: Brotherhood is a pretty good starter otherwise. Not seen AoT, so I can't really speak to how good that would be but if you're interested just go for it.
I always thought this one would be bad for some reason, but I'm watching it now and I cant stop lol
Its like Dragonball with a more coherent story IMO. Also the music slaps.
Attack on titan was the first anime I watched and I really recommend it. At every point it's developing into something you didn't expect, and not in an illogical way, but a way that changes how both you and the characters view the world and adds much more nuance
It is a good intro anime for fashs. It is authoritarian right wing as fuck in the depicted mythology. In the Legend of the Galactic Heroes they try to be materialist, but are reactionary, too. Though it isn't as obvious.
Jujutsu Kaisen or Kimetsu no Yaiba might be up your alley then. I remember reading them as comics back before they got the big screen treatment and thought their respective writers did an excellent job at creating a consistent world with vibrant characters and a lovingly crafted story for them to play out.
watch yu yu hakusho. same kind of corny 90s battle anime.
Seconding YYH. It's one of the few shounen that holds up on a second watch IMO.
Attack on Titan is great. It has a strong initial premise and changes a ton as the seasons go on