389aaa [it/its]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020

  • 389aaa [it/its]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    In my case it almost feels like my body's reaction to heat has a screwed-up sense of how hot things are. I can't take hot showers, for example, which are objectively not dangerous, because they genuinely feel like they are going to burn me - normal-hot-shower temperature water feels like like a wet hot pan, it's like my cap is just lower. Ambient heat in the air and light doesn't do that in the same way, but it can make walls and stuff feel like that, naturally.

    I hadn't thought of it from the overstimulation angle before, though, but now that I think about it I think you're right, that is at least part of why I hate ambient heat and particularly sweating. Thank you for that insight.

  • 389aaa [it/its]tochapotraphouse79°F "Heat Wave"
    22 days ago

    No, they do not, and most of them aren't willing to understand, either.

    People, or at least NT people, with higher temperature tolerance are almost always assholes about it - I have weird heat sensitivity, I suspect on account of my Autism, and I only stopped getting constant shit for it once I basically entirely stopped talking to NTs.

    The people in this thread are just seizing on an excuse to shit on people they perceive as weaker, or an excuse to shit on the English as if they are actually inherently evil just by existing. Or both.

  • Hey - I haven't posted on this webbed site in years but this post motivated me to crawl out of my lurk-cave.

    I am not a Therian, but I am certainly an adjacent thing - I tend to just use the term 'transspecies' instead of therian because my particular form of species dysphoria has nothing to do with being an animal. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask me them, even if they seem insensitive or something.

    In contrast to the other commentator, I will say that there are a surprising amount of 'based weirdo adults' who are into this - it definitely is the kind of thing that is a phase for some folks, I won't deny that, but for just as many it's not. And I do have to wonder how many of those for whom it ended up being a phase only left such identification behind because it's broadly socially viewed as completely non-serious and mocked by.. basically every demographic.

    Regarding your worries of your child 'beginning to experience alienation from their own identity because of this', while I do not know your child's personal situation obviously, from my personal experience I would suggest that if they have come to identify as a Therian at all - some degree of alienation from their own identity probably already exists.

    That's how it was for me - I have always felt alienated from the concept of 'humanity' and of being a 'human', and coming upon the idea of being transspecies made that make sense, it provided an explanation, a label, a piece of identity in and of itself. If anything, it helped with the alienation, in the same way that realizing that I could be transgender helped with the dysphoria I had around that - it gave it a name, a reason, and once it had that, I could begin to process it and figure out how to really deal with it instead of just feeling ambiently Wrong and Alien for no clear reason.

    For concrete advice, above anything else I would be supportive, but you seem to already understand that. As I said - if you have any specific questions of your own, feel free to ask - I would not mind answering at all.

  • 389aaa [it/its]tomoviesThis is a bit, right?
    2 years ago

    Caleb from Blood did have dialogue and some minor characterization - dude liked murder, and was really mad when his girlfriend died. That's about it, but it's still more than most FPS protags from the time. Lo Wang from Shadow Warrior was notably a huge chatterbox, never fuckin' shut up - there wasn't much actual value to his character because it was mostly just comedy of varying degrees of funny filtered through a racist imitation of an 'Asian' accent, but nevertheless it existed.

    The guy in Redneck Rampage talked too, though that again was just jokes filtered through a cartoon redneck accent filter. Still, point being: protagonists that talked were kind of a trademark of Build Engine games, all the notable ones had a vocal protagonist. Your overall point is still correct, though.

  • 389aaa [it/its]tomainObviously
    3 years ago

    Put Vince McMahon on that list, I have maintained since 2016 that he would be the only guy in America who could grasp the same lightning Trump did and I'm not backing off my bet until he drops dead

  • 389aaa [it/its]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Cool, glad to hear that my ability to get HRT is a tool of oppression, since evidently under bourgeois democracy idpol can only be used as a tool for oppression. Very good and connected to reality take!

  • Indigenous religious practices can absolutely be colonialist in the right context. Modern ones aren't really, because they're frankly irrelevant and barely extant or have heavily syncretized with Christianity in most places, but back when indigenous religious were dominant they functioned as a social control mechanism like every other large religion has. The most obvious example of this would be pre-columbian Mesoamerican religious practices, not that Christianity was much better.

  • 389aaa [it/its]tomainThis is what tankies want
    3 years ago

    No modern tanks have toilets and I've never heard of any older ones having one either. I'm pretty sure this cutaway of the Maus is speculative, the only surviving example of it had the inside bombed out so the Soviets couldn't capture this utterly-amazing-and-not-at-all-useless technology.

    Edit: That being said British tanks have had electronic tea makers since 1945 when the Centurion was introduced, which is equally hilarious to me

  • I mean, there's totally a difference, just not that much on foreign policy/natsec shit. People talked shit about it but honestly having a dedicated Space-focused branch of the military was one of the more rational policies Trump had, there's a reason both China and Russia have them. Well, China's is folded into a general 'Strategic Support Force' that includes electronic and cyberwarfare too (another the US Military probably needs) but that's a relatively minor organizational difference.

    Point being: splitting off the Air Force's Space Command into an independent branch was the correct decision, and it was gonna happen sooner or later. Space and cyberwarfare are both going to probably end up being the primary battlegrounds of the second cold war.

  • ES6 is in very very early production at best at this point. They've always said that they were gonna do Starfield before they started doing more than pre-production for ES6, and it's very unclear when Starfield is gonna come out. If it comes out this year, which some believe is possible, then ES6 has probably just started actual production. We definitely will see a version of Skyrim for PS5/XBSX before ES6 comes out though, but I do believe they're actually going to make it. It'd make more than enough money that the corporate marketing bits of the company would be for it, and the higher-ups on the Dev teams like Todd (who gets too much shit for stuff that's not his fault because he's the face of the company, imo) do genuinely give a shit about the series.

  • 389aaa [it/its]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I can't find that exact quote, but I did find a similar quote from 'The Movements of 1847', an article written by Engels for the Deutsche-Brüsseler-Zeitung, published January 23rd, 1848.

    In America we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is also an advance when a country which has hitherto been exclusively wrapped up in its own affairs, perpetually rent with civil wars, and completely hindered in its development, a country whose best prospect had been to become industrially subject to Britain — when such a country is forcibly drawn into the historical process. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will in future be placed under the tutelage of the United States. The evolution of the whole of America will profit by the fact that the United States, by the possession of California, obtains command of the Pacific. But again we ask: “Who is going to profit immediately by the war?” The bourgeoisie alone. The North Americans acquire new regions in California and New Mexico for the creation of fresh capital, that is, for calling new bourgeois into being, and enriching those already in existence; for all capital created today flows into the hands of the bourgeoisie. And what about the proposed cut through the Tehuantepec isthmus? Who is likely to gain by that? Who else but the American shipping owners? Rule over the Pacific, who will gain by that but these same shipping owners? The new customers for the products of industry, customers who will come into being in the newly acquired territories — who will supply their needs? None other than the American manufacturers.

    Link: https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1848/01/23.htm

  • I woke up at Midnight, EST- wow i didn't realize I could fumble so hard as to accidentally post a in progress message, let me edit this to finish what I was saying.

    Anyway I woke up at Midnight EST because I'm a very mentally ill NEET who can't keep a consistent sleep schedule. I just sorta continually wake up 1-2 hours later than I did the day before, forever, so over the course of the week I usually make a full rotation at least once.

  • 389aaa [it/its]tomainPretty sad that the US isn't declining faster
    3 years ago

    To add to the other post on the subject, not only did Mehmed the Conqueror call himself the Caesar of Rome, he frankly had a better claim than some undisputed roman Emperors to the title. The second Sultan of the Ottoman Beylik, Orhan, had the daughter of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos, Theodora Kantakouzene, as his fifth wife, so there was some blood-derived legitimacy. Not to mention that Gennadius Scholarius, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, also backed up the claim. Granted, he was installed in that position by Mehmed the Conqueror, but that's nothing new for Roman Emperors.

    Mehmed even wanted to try and conquer Rome itself, and he had actually started an Italian campaign before he died in 1481. His successors didn't share that interest but they did briefly make the Austrians stop making any mention of the HRE in the 1533 Treaty of Constantinople. A desire to de-legitimize the competing claim was probably also part of the motivation of the repeated failed attempts to capture Vienna, too.

  • 389aaa [it/its]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Book: Homestuck (it counts! kind of!)

    Show: The Simpsons. I don't especially like it but it's amusing sometimes and I'll literally never run out of episodes!

    Album: Kakigori Galaxy Astronaut by DEMONDICE

  • 389aaa [it/its]totechnology*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    BIG agreed! There's numerous sightings that nobody has ever been able to explain, most notably recently the 2004 USS Nimtiz sightings, and as evidenced by this paper I linked elsewhere in the thread (https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/21/10/939/htm) it is incredibly unlikely for some of the objects being sighted to be experimental military aircraft or otherwise human-made, it's just far too big of a technological leap.

    It should also be noted that the current status quo of 'UFOs aren't real, people are stupid and misidentify shit and that's all it is' (not to say that people don't misidentify shit, that's anywhere from 90-75% of sightings depending on which analysis you prefer) was deliberately cultivated by a USAF backed scientific 'study' that was working to 'prove' UFOs fake from the moment it started, the Condon Report. Wikipedia has a great summary of all that bullshit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condon_Committee) and I urge you to take a look at the actual report itself, as it blatantly ignores it's own data in order to come to the preset conclusion of 'UFOs ain't real'. (https://files.ncas.org/condon/text/contents.htm)

    I do want to stress however that I don't believe there's some giant cover-up going on. My personal research on the subject suggests that it's fundamentally a matter of the authorities involved falling victim to the same environment of ridicule and dismissiveness that the CIA cultivated with the Robertson Panel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robertson_Panel) because they believed UFOs weren't real, and considered UFO sightings clogging up reporting lines for unknown aircraft to be a national security threat. In the academic world thinking that UFOs should be studied means you'll be considered a total quack by nearly everyone, and your career will be ruined, and in the military world doing anything but ignoring UFO sightings and reports has been a good way to get ridiculed and passed over for promotions. This has only started to change very recently, as it seems like the US Navy has been taking something of an interest in the subject after multiple high-profile very credible sightings, and there's been a concerted effort from some former members of the US Intelligence Community to lift the stigma surrounding the subject.

  • 389aaa [it/its]totechnology*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I think you're drastically underestimating the technological leaps that would be required for some of the things that these objects have been observed doing. I'd recommend you take a look at this paper, it goes over a couple highly credible sightings and calculates estimated accelerations for the sighted objects, as well as estimations of how much energy would be required to accomplish that acceleration.


    Spoiler: In the most credible case in this paper, and arguably one of the most credible UFO sightings to have ever been recorded, the USS Nimitz sighting, the objects sighted (visually, on radar, and on both IR and visual light videos) were seen to accelerate at speeds of over 5000g, which would require energy output around 1100 Gigawatts. Which is around the total capacity of every power plant in the US, circa 2012. Producing that amount of energy in an object roughly the size of an F-16 and using it to accelerate something so quickly that hopping between solar systems would take 1.2 days from the craft's temporal perspective is so far beyond any technology that any military has produced as to be practically magical. I do not exaggerate when I say that any country that had the technological capability to do shit like that could effortlessly conquer the entire planet within a week if they so desired, it is the ultimate strategic trump card, it breaks MAD in half. In my opinion, there is no way in hell any military has this technology and yet simultaneously continues to develop utterly inferior conventional aircraft, it just doesn't make any sense.