FalunDong [she/her,any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Holy shit the tweet being responded to that prompted the response from Amazon is possibly worse. In reference to Bernie traveling to go support union organizers: “I often say we are the Bernie Sanders of employers, but that’s not quite right because we actually deliver a progressive workplace,”

    “So if you want to hear about $15 an hour and health care, Senator Sanders will be speaking downtown,” Clark added in a reply, before another swipe at the senator. “But if you would like to make at least $15 an hour and have good health care, Amazon is hiring.”

  • Honestly I think in a lot of ways we aren't. Being salaried just means management can make us work ungodly hours with no extra pay because "overtime is factored into your salary already." Jobs are intentionally understaffed to save money, why hire three people to work 40 hour weeks when you could make two work 60 for no extra cost. I traded destroying my body with destroying my mind. I can't fucking believe it but sometimes I actually miss the feeling of clocking out, body aching, knowing that the next few hours of my day were mine even if I was too tired to do anything with them. Now I'm stuck in constant anxiety, there's no clocking out and I'm expected to respond to emails quickly regardless of day or time. Nothing I do is worthy of this stress but they loom these impossible goals over our head to ensure we are always underperforming according to their metrics and able to fired at any time, based on poor performance. The stress is so engrained into the system our office has a "meditation room" where employees can go to cry in private.

    The worst part is everyone thinks they'll be the one employee out of hundreds that lasts long enough to make some real money. I've got no allies here--I can't have a serious conversation about these working conditions because according to everyone else we're not being exploited, we're just "paying our dues." When I started this job I thought I had made a real step forward in life, now I see I just traded in for a different kind of bullshit.

  • I've listened to a few episodes of bad faith and mostly enjoyed it so I thought the criticisms here were overblown. Today I started listening to the black identity extremism episode and now I totally understand why people cannot stand this podcast. A guest will start down on an interesting path and BJG just stomps it out to bring the conversation back to electoralism. it's infuriating.

  • The recall rules in Seattle are so phenomenally bullshit I would recommend reading into them more on your own. Basically they've leveraged 6 "charges" against her, currently being processed through the courts (2 charges have been dropped on the first round) and it will go through to the state Supreme Court where Kshama's lawyers expect at least one to be approved. Not because its a valid claim, but because "To approve a recall effort, state courts merely have to conclude that recall petition charges, if true, would constitute malfeasance or a violation of an official’s oath of office. But the court is expressly barred from considering “the truth of the charges.”

    Once passed, the recall campaign has to get a certain number of signatures on a petition (in this case I believe it's around a quarter of the total number of voters in her last election--an extremely low bar for the recall campaign). Then it will move to a formal recall vote. At no point in the process do they give her the chance to defend herself against the charges and Amazon/chuds/democratic neolibs get a free second chance at the election.

  • FalunDong [she/her,any]tomainSo sick of this guy
    4 years ago

    When the only other people on your side are the chuds then maybe that's a red flag for what you're choosing to spend your time getting upset about. Fauci is a boring appointee given sweetheart status by the libs for the most bare minimum refute of Trump's insanity. Perhaps the only thing as stupid as spending time idolizing him is spending time trying to convince yourself he's some kind of establishment monster. This "gotcha" article starts off talking about how little power he actually has--just point out that the libs are rediculous for idolizing him and move on like the rest of us.

    If you want to get upset about covid response by liberal heroes go read the Cuomo article. He's someone with actual power that's used sweetheart status to hide truly deplorable shit.

  • FalunDong [she/her,any]tomainCopaganda is dead
    4 years ago

    I had to turn it off after the undercover prison episode arc. Jake is beaten by guards but any shred of serious commentary is undercut with his cellmate accidentaly adding a funny Sombrero filter to the video. There's a throwaway line where Jake and the warden acknowledge how difficult it is for Trans people in prison but it's done in a "that sucks but oh well!" kind of way and has no serious implications that something should be changed by the warden or for that matter by Jake, a member of a police department with a horrifying track record with trans women. The show goes out of its way to make it clear that every single character in that prison was comically evil, even the friendly cell mate was only friendly as part of a bit (he was a polite cannibal who ate children). Nobody was there who didn't without a shred of doubt deserve to be and nobody being beaten by guards or other inmates is innocent or for that matter in there for something nonviolent. In the wrapup episode to the arc when he's released and back out on duty, Jake hesitates to make an arrest because what if he's wrong? What if he sends an innocent person to that brutal, horrible place? Just when you think they are about to make a good point about the needless brutality of our prison system his boss has a heart to heart and the audience is fed with some bullshit about it actually helping him to be a better cop because now he's careful.

    Another comment said they needed to pick a different setting than police detectives and I wholeheartedly agree. No amount of special lib-woke episodes can justify a feelgood cop comedy like this and even though the writers seem to be aware of the issues with police, their efforts to address them are constantly underwhelming and often times rife with problematic misunderstanding itself.

  • FalunDong [she/her,any]tomainWho funded the coup?
    4 years ago


    Here's the website originally linked in the referenced tweet, seems to be ran by a few reporters the main one being an occasional contributor to the intercept. Other news outlets have been reporting the same things about the fund, here's an NBC article that even mentions Comcast (who own NBC) as a donor, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/republican-ags-group-sent-robocalls-urging-march-capitol-n1253581

  • I'm a recent grad from a gasp business school and there's been a big shift towards companies trying to brand their entry level jobs as way more important than they really are. I just started at a "prestigious" (you wouldn't know the name outside of the industry and even in the industry most of that perception is from people who work here) professional firm. They pump us up with easy promotions with big title changes and a lot of fringe benefits and allowances to hide the fact that the wages have been stagnant and actual benefits (retirement, time off, etc) are constantly being gutted in favor of corporate friendly branded "flexible" policies that are ultimately way worse (thanks tech industry for paving the way with this shit). I think if an average person saw me they'd think I had an impressive title and must be important because I can expense a $40 meal occasionally but the reality is I probably have less freedom and buying power than a unionized factory worker from a few decades ago. unfortunately this shit works, most of my coworkers would say they have more in common with the firm partners earning half a million a year off our work than they do with a laborer. I'm lucky to be where I'm at and have so much compared to so many people struggling but I don't for a minute forget that I can be replaced in a second and lose everything.

  • FalunDong [she/her,any]tomainBiden: Blue lives matter!
    4 years ago

    From what I can gather his solution is to have counselors on calls alongside any police presence and just pray to God the cops are willing to listen to their advice. It's not like there's countless fucking stories of cops absolutely beating the shit out of people while their partners hold back paramedics or anything. And let's face it the massive egos of our officers stop them from respecting paramedics, imagine how they'll treat mental health counselors.

  • Actually a cooperative is one of the few nonprofit structures where you can distribute surplus margins back to members.

    The alchemy comment was in reference to where you said you would use accounting tricks to accumulate seed funding for the next venture. There's no "trick" that can help you save money faster, you'll still be operating at for-profit margins likely worse because again, your system is designed to put employees in control of how much they are earning. (and of course you've accepted a profit margin of half your closest competitor)

    It sounds nice for one company but won't be earning enough to spawn others as quickly or effectively as you believe it will. Cute little neighborhood coop? sure. Titan of industry crushing giant corporations changing the landscape of capitalism? Never.