is this an op or what?

  • mazdak
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • YourBestComrade [he/him,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      yeah,I'm not throwing shade at anyone in particular, I'm just expressing my surprise at chapos being kinda bougie, in foresight I should've known at least some chapos were bougie, as you said Lenin along with people like Che and Engels was pretty boug,

    • Baader [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So did Engels and Stalin. Nobody cares what you're born into, except the bourgeoisie. It matters what you do with it. For me, people under CEO level, who don't own any means of production, aren't bourgeoisie. If someone is a successfull lawyer or whatever, they can still be leftists. We all live under capitalism...

  • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If you come from wealth it's actually important that you're yelling at everyone that the system is terrible and unfair. They can just hand wave off my working class ass as bitter and jealous.

  • NoNoNoNO [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I'm the heir to a huge marble mine. I went to school in switzerland, college in Japan, and I now work in the USA selling marble to headstone masons (huge money). I am also a communist, and support the nationalization of my family marble mine. However, I will never EVER apologise for shooting my maid.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    4 years ago

    Would be interesting to get a demographics survey on how much we all have or something. Like no shaming people if they have more of less, none of us have fuck you money otherwise we wouldn't be here probably. There is more than just proletariat and bougie peeps we also got lumpen here.

    • YourBestComrade [he/him,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I'm pretty sure i saw a poll where it said about 25%~ of chapos were bougie last time I checked it, a much bigger number than I would've thought, lemme try to find it

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        4 years ago

        Wonder how much that changed since pandimic, might do to do another one since it feels like the pmc feels unstable now. Honestly doing a census every so often would be cool to see how we grow and change but I get it's work and peeps might be afraid of that info getting into the wrong hands.

    • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Please subscribe to my patreon for exclusive early looks at my posts as well as premium private posts about electoralism, drama, and my real opinion about AOC. My critic level supporters also get shout outs at the end of my posts about imperialism.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I suppose I would qualify as bougie but I came from nothing (single mom, gang infested neighborhood, been affiliated in the past, etc etc.). I bought into the American Dream most my adult life, achieved what most would consider the fruits of upward mobility, and found it all to be bullshit.

    If we're sharing about work, the perspective I share is, or rather was, that of my work experience. If it is offensive to other chapos or comes off as some sort of humble-brag, that's not my intention. I don't mean to come off self-entitled. I fucking hate it.

    I know I'm not the main target of most people's ire today but I feel like I might be part of it. Maybe it's best if I don't post in work-related threads.

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Alright, this is a bougie checkpoint, please send me $1000 in either $cash or venmo to proceed___

    • FalunDong [she/her,any]
      4 years ago

      I'm a recent grad from a gasp business school and there's been a big shift towards companies trying to brand their entry level jobs as way more important than they really are. I just started at a "prestigious" (you wouldn't know the name outside of the industry and even in the industry most of that perception is from people who work here) professional firm. They pump us up with easy promotions with big title changes and a lot of fringe benefits and allowances to hide the fact that the wages have been stagnant and actual benefits (retirement, time off, etc) are constantly being gutted in favor of corporate friendly branded "flexible" policies that are ultimately way worse (thanks tech industry for paving the way with this shit). I think if an average person saw me they'd think I had an impressive title and must be important because I can expense a $40 meal occasionally but the reality is I probably have less freedom and buying power than a unionized factory worker from a few decades ago. unfortunately this shit works, most of my coworkers would say they have more in common with the firm partners earning half a million a year off our work than they do with a laborer. I'm lucky to be where I'm at and have so much compared to so many people struggling but I don't for a minute forget that I can be replaced in a second and lose everything.

  • Woly [any]
    4 years ago

    The silver surfers strike again 👁️

  • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i always have a hard time figuring out if i'm bougie. i have higher degrees, but am still on foodstamps and govt healthcare. i have a nintendo but i also don't ever go out to eat or buy nice things. i can afford to travel sometimes but i also buy most of my clothes at a thrift store.

    in my mind i 'feel' like i should be something other than working poor, but i know if i lost my job, I wouldn't last 2 months.

    • YourBestComrade [he/him,none/use name]
      4 years ago

      nah, that does not make you a bougie, you can still have nice things while being working class, and even if you were more bougie than your run of the mill chapo, if you acknowledge that you were a bougie, then that's fine in my books,

  • Saint [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Maybe we need a c/ghouls or c/classtraitors or something