Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]

I'm a solo indie dev and I made a whole-ass indie RPG! Please check it out, and tell me what you think!

  • 44 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2021


  • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
    toaskchapoAnyone donate plasma for cash?
    18 days ago

    If I just get a bruise here and there it wouldn't be a big deal to me, as long as they heal. Just more literal than the usual means by which the vampires feed off of me.

    I guess I'm just wondering if there's any way in which it is particularly worse than other forms of exploitation.

  • Yo, anyone got pressure cooker experience? I fucked up and opened the pressure cooker too soon, and the food hasn't finished cooking. What should I do? Just like... reset the pressure cooking timer for half the original time and leave it alone?

    It was going for about an hour, which is how long it was supposed to cook, and then it started counting up. I (incorrectly I guess) assumed that the counting up was the phase where it naturally releases pressure, so when the count-up got to 15 minutes I released the remaining pressure manually and opened it up, only the food wasn't done.

  • What is it with literally everyone from every single region in every part of the planet bragging about how many drunks there are as one of the first two things they mention about where they're from

    y'all can't ALL be the drunkest mother fuckers on the planet

  • Accidentally went to r/all today on reddit-logo and this thread from a sub I hadn't seen since I'd mostly left that fed-to-public umbilical of a website called "BoomersBeingFools" and it really instilled in me just how toxic, shitty, and privileged redditors are all over again. The way they stereotype other people, the way they band together to circlejerk about how funny and cool it is to put someone down based purely on preconceived notions that the one who brought them up presented, the way they assume that everyone is of the same financial privilege as they are... it's disgusting to me, on a fundamental level.

    Reading commenters joking and downplaying the worth of their "starter homes" when you live in a room attached to a garage and struggle to keep more than $200 in your bank account proletariat

  • So there I am looking at a screenshot of some Instagram post of some very obviously "AI" generated booba lady, and the comments are all dudes professing their overflowing love for this non-existent woman, begging the picture to meet up with them and marry them.

    Can you guys tell me if those comments are legit? Can you please just tell me the comments are all just bots? I cannot believe these are posts by real, fully awake people. I will not believe it.