HypnoGazelle [comrade/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2021


  • HypnoGazelle [comrade/them]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I don't know him, but I'd be much happier to receive thoughtful and loving words than gifts. Maybe write out a long form message for him. Tell him about your memories of him that make you smile. Sharing a nice experience like that together will probably mean more to him than getting a couple of books!

  • Such a good film. Literally one of the most intense and desperate things I've ever seen. Patrick Stewart's portrayal of a cold and terrifying leader of a neo nazi gang was chilling.

    SPOILER: The fact that the strongest person in the group with the highest chance of helping them survive jumps through a window to the outside and is immediately set upon and stabbed to death on the floor was fucking brutal, and sets up the hopelessness so well. Also singing nazi punks fuck off during the set was glorious.

  • No worries comrade, and no not at all man! It's sad that spirituality has been ridiculed and made to sound nuts, it's a lingering casualty of imperialism which people on the left really need to do more to unpack. I think that the fact we can't currently detect and analyse these forms of matter and energy doesn't mean they're any less a part of the consciousness of the universe as any other matter. There have been many forms of matter and energy that at some point we couldn't detect, until the sensitivity of our detection methods improved and then we could, and this may well be the case for this matter and energy we predict to exist.

    If I'm interpreting your definition of unconsciousness correctly, I think the closest thing to it for me is the vacuum state. For example in the electromagnetic field, packets of energy in regions of the field are photons. These photons are part of the universe's consciousness, but have this empty space in the field between them at which no photons exist and the energy is minimum, a "vacuum state". It's these vacuum states within every quantum field that I'd consider the universe's unconsciousness. It coexists with the conscious aspects and is required to define them, but can never be directly detected because there's nothing to detect, it's just an underlying quality of spacetime allowing for the existence of everything else - hope I understood what you meant by consciousness and unconsciousness but please let me know if not!

  • Close enough comrade! Unnecessarily detailed explanations cos I think it's interesting as fuck and you might like them: The cosmological constant is a corrective term that Einstein needed to put into his field equations to help his theory of general relativity explain that the universe was neither expanding or contracting, but was instead stable and static. His original equations before introducing the term had described that the universe was expanding, but he introduced this term to modify their description and allow for this static universe model. Edwin Hubble then measured redshift to prove that the universe actually was expanding - proving the original Einstein field equations correct - and Einstein said it was this modification of his equations to fit his preconceived notion rather than accepting the validity of the original equations, especially given that he could have predicted this ahead of observation, that was his biggest blunder. The cosmological constant is still really important though, because through it we've created the CDM model of the big bang which accurately describes lots of properties of the universe like the strand-like macro structure of galaxies, elemental abundances, and the nature of background radiation from the big bang. And yep like you said, it's related to the energy density of space which is higher in this model than we predict using the standard model, and there are attempts to explain it by a number of theories, one of which is dark energy - some unknown energy source that we can't detect yet but adds to the energy density of space, the inclusion of which makes the CDM model really accurate.

    Dark matter is a similar theory, in that we can't detect or describe much about it other than the inclusion of its mass in our standard models allow things to exist as they do. The easiest example is galaxies. If galaxies rotated at the speed they do, and only had the mass contained within its stars and black holes and planetary systems etc., the gravitational pull due to all this mass is not enough to hold the spinning galaxy in place and it would fly apart. The fact that galaxies don't fly apart suggests that there's more mass within them which we can't detect, and the different rotational speed of the galaxy at different distances from the centre allows us to predict where this matter is, and modern cosmological models suggest that there's a halo of dark matter surrounding galaxies that stretches far out beyond them.

    Space is fuckin weird man.


  • I know this is probably a bit cos it's insanely wrong, but an interesting side note is that special and general relativity don't actually impose the speed of light as the speed limit of the universe. They forbid objects from being accelerated to and past the speed of light, but don't actually forbid travel above this speed. Because of this spacetime can theoretically travel faster than light, and so warp drives (when/if they ever they exist) can travel faster than light and do so in accordance with the current understanding of the laws of physics.

  • Keep up the schedule! After a couple of weeks your body will adjust to the training and you won't feel the soreness anymore. For shorter-term relief, stretching the muscle and eating enough protein will help with recovery (also keep this up alongside training for the long-term too). Seriously as someone who had a long term weight training schedule, lost it, got back into it again, lost it again, and has now finally started it back up again, the most important thing about working out by FAR is consistency and I can't emphasise that enough. Everything in exercise is built on consistency. Even if you don't feel up to a workout one day but you have one scheduled, still go to the gym or set up your training gear even if it's only to turn straight back home or pack it away again. It's the consistency with it that gives you results. You got this comrade!


  • HypnoGazelle [comrade/them]tohistory*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    It's truly disturbing that private military contracts are being used more and more as the US empire falls. The inquiries that come won't do shit, and these psychotic fucks are gonna be unleashed to do a massacre time after time

  • Sorry for being a party pooper but science journalism is once again being science journalism, and I can never let it slide because journalists like this make me want to tear my fucking face off:

    They haven't "reverse engineered" a vaccine, they've identified and shared segments of the genetic sequence of two particular types of synthetic RNA which are becoming more prevalent in the population as vaccines are rolled out. It's going to be useful for the community sure and HUGE props to the Stanford team for sharing this to github, but for now it's mainly going to be useful on the analysis of biomedical data side of things.

    (sorry again for being a party pooper, but it's my job in a world of truly DOGSHIT science journalists)

    :kitty-cri-screm: pls make it stop

  • HypnoGazelle [comrade/them]toama*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    If you don't understand demand-driven supply chains then there's just no point. Also, since you're not aware else you wouldn't be making such a dumb point, you can still participate in capitalism while making sure that the way you buy pets isn't perpetuating cruel breeding practices :)