"One bank CEO named his boat Overdraft. You can't make this up."
Don't worry, I beleive you. You were probably on the bow of it while promising the owner nothing will fundamentally change.
"One bank CEO named his boat Overdraft. You can't make this up."
Don't worry, I beleive you. You were probably on the bow of it while promising the owner nothing will fundamentally change.
Absolutely. Thank you for the taking the time to eloquate this, I don't like seeing it either.
In a similar vein, the speed at which libs went "well looks like we can be objectifying ableists too now!" because of Trump's rancidly profane attitude was a contributing factor in my further radicalization. For a political group who so often claimed to fall back on rhetoric of "take the high ground" we've now gone well far past "Bush is a dumb-dumb 😏" (simplistic, but a legitimate concern for a leader) and just recently had members and cronies of the DNC alike popularizing the hashtag #TrumpSmells. I get push back that this is the type of messaging that works now because "swing voters listen to this, not the fancy fascist racist sexist tropes mmhmm" as if it's an excuse to normalize discriminating dogmatism.
I love dunking as much as the next leftist but it's a dehumanizing cheap shot to ever focus on things like that, and only aims to lessen the impact of true political opinion fallout under the guise of "well, this election is too important to not bring back bigotry." I'm so over this garbage. We live in a time where pig_shitting_on_balls.webp is next in line to be a mainstream campaign ad.
I was skeptical if this was true or not, but after I read this part
We could find no evidence that Feinstein was responsible for that act, and the director of Recreation and Parks, Thomas Malloy, said it was done "quite by accident."
I was like "oh okay so it 100% was Feinstein"
First we were told there were known knowns. Then we found out there were also known unknowns. Now the bombshell drops and I'm learning there are concerned concerns? US politics is never boring, I'm so glad to be watching.
I have! It can get dry (as if it has freezer burn at room temp) but if you let it sit a while, it tastes great. No complaints from me.
Heads up that calorie wise, it's one of the unhealthiest ice creams I've ever seen, but I'm all here for that alternate animal-free food science. By any means necessary.
At least she was courteous enough to not kick it on Mao's death day. Now I can mourn proper tomorrow for a real fallen leader.
Pollster (fascist): "Sir, you cannot vote for the Supreme Court here."
Me, on an iPad I smuggled into the voting booth with two-bars worth of 3G and direct access to change.org: 😏
I can't beleive Biden ran on the platform "nothing will fundamentally change" and he couldn't even get that right
I love your username. Let's get blacklisted at Hop Sings together.
I get the feeling my inbox is going to be flooded with dems asking me to donate money to fix this. It's a little confusing because I got about 1000 emails a few months ago telling me money could fix this. I don't know a lot about politics but is it that the ruling has to come first and then the money will fix this? Either way, I can't wait for dems to use this opportunity to ask for more money to fix this. Thanks for using my money to fix this, dems!
The_Leftorium was my favorite sub, half-dunks half-history, and legit broke down theory faster using arcane Simpsons memes than any ELI5 you could create. All of the mods got banned by Reddit, and the only one to survive the purge is the most milquetoast lib that yesterday he started deleting critical comments about Biden on a post that said nothing but TRUMP IS THE WORST PRESIDENT. Cesspool status confirmed.