MakenX [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2021

  • I don't care about whatever scenario you cook up in your head. I care about this actual scenario where bourgeois media divides the left over woke fake news. Actual leftists don't just take bourgeois media at face value.

    I'm aware what North America is like so I wouldn't be so dependant on bourgeois media to dictate my response to male chauvinism here. With China, unless it's from a trustworthy source it's not worth making a political line about. And it's only going to increase because naive nu-leftists fall for it every time.

  • Will probably see how easily I could veganize it for normies so I don't have to make two pizzas in the future. Vegan cheese from the store's still pretty damn expensive here (and the non-brick varieties don't taste great).

    Also listened to the latest Chapo episode while I made it and yeah, it was a lame episode. Not terrible, but it was pretty casual opinions on PMCs which would be more interesting if it was backed up by some studies or a more objective viewpoint. I think the growing cultural divide between managerial white collar-types and normal people is an easy way for leftists to get ahead of rightsts on criticizing and connecting with normal people, but it needs to be principled and not sloppy opinions from some random person being mad about anti-consumerism.

  • The Fuel Rats and other emergent groups are really cool in that game. I wish the design encouraged more stuff like than rather than almost being borderline internet-connected DRM. I get there's economy modelling and stuff but for single player I don't know if that ever actually comes up enough to be worth it.

  • MakenX [none/use name]tothe_dunk_tankwhat a piece of shit
    4 years ago has its head so far up its own ass at this point. It's really hard to keep coming back here. Either you don't post, you post and get cancelled (or censored for vague mod rules), or you're forced to argue lefter-than-thou tryhards in struggle sessions.