Melonius [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Melonius [he/him]toparentingParenting Chat - 10/27 - 11/02
    4 months ago

    That's great she was able to stand up for herself. So often groups are all thinking the same thing but need that person to voice it for them. When playing Legos or blocks we like to say things like "I want to knock this down, is that ok?" To make sure we're playing in a way that avoids upsetting a boundary we weren't aware of

  • Melonius [he/him]toparentingParenting Chat - 10/27 - 11/02
    4 months ago

    I've been teaching my 5 year old man cala. He's gotten good enough at it that he saw my last move was going to win and he silently stood up and walked away from the table. I asked him "hey aren't you going to say good game?" And he said "but it WASNT a good game!" Gaming never changes.

    We're expecting a new addition to the family soon so pretty excited about that. I think we're ready but there's always new surprises or things I've blocked out from having a newborn in the house.

  • I understand we're not going to get communism anytime soon, but using those labels "unrealistic" or "idealistic" are worse than thought terminating. In reality it's far more unrealistic to think we can keep doing what we're doing. It's idealistic to think the status quo of destroying the planet and exploitation can go indefinitely. As always it's projection

    If they were to say there's way too many mini Hitler's in Ford f5000s driving around to do a communism than YEA maybe we can share some thoughts.

  • I am painted as unrealistic

    This shit gets me. I get called "too idealistic" and my response is what does that even mean? I think it's too idealistic for the few to benefit from the work of the many. Seems unsustainable which fits right in to the definitions of idealistic. I think it's idealistic for the Dems to expect a vote when they can't give even token concessions. "Unrealistic" get the fuck out of here 70 years ago we'd be blowing ourselves up in a world war for some crusty declining nobles (and soon we might be told to do it again!) now we watch complete strangers appear to entertain us for 30 seconds and evaporate forever on tiktok wtf do we know about realistic.

    This hollow "community" of Democrats will happily cannibalize anyone without a second thought. The least I expect from my lib friends is to vote third party or shut up. Capitalism is a disease. Thanks for ranting so I could rant too

  • Melonius [he/him]toThe Dredge Tankmods: it's called a joke
    5 months ago

    You'd have to be aggressively smashing it with intent to break a good one, and I have a dinky one that I have dropped pots/pans on before. I've originally got my portable one as a supplement to our gas stove top because we only had two flames and we've turned off the gas line in our kitchen entirely because it was such an improvement.

    If you can, get a cheap one off amazon or someplace to try it out. Even the most basic one will boil water significantly faster and the slightly fancier ones can get a proper simmer/rolling boil without having to tweak the settings. You'll also not be filling your kitchen with methane and whatever other contaminants make it past the flame, and all the heat goes to the food instead of your kitchen. With 4 running tops I bet it can get hot as hell on gas.

    Climate town did a good vid about, it's a lib channel but makes all the right points -

  • Melonius [he/him]tochapotraphouseMisandry isn't real
    5 months ago

    A lot of men are misdirected to "misandry" partly because the media use of patriarchy does not address the pressures that men face in this system. Bell hooks really covers it better than I can, but a lot of men in the west have been raised to be big strong emotionless mean men, and to not conform to that mold can mean being lower on the ladder or social ostracizing in some of the nastier social/work circles. It is poisonous for them - they get more money and more treats in exchange for their dehumanized and emotionally stunted existence. Even beyond just acknowledging that its fucked up to exploit people, men have justified grievances against patriarchy that outweigh the material benefits they garner. If that understanding was better attached to the word "patriarchy" I think it would filter out the redeemable people from the "misandry" believer bucket.