Nama [he/him]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • I'll oversimplify a bit, but here you go. In economic terms, liberalism is a market oriented economy, and the current iteration of neoliberalism is marked by social welfare cuts and tax cuts for the rich with "trickle down" effect in mind (allegedly). That ideology is shared by both the democratic and republican parties. The difference between communists and liberals in the sense the word is most often used, is that economic approach, and from that perspective both liberals and conservatives are "liberal".

    Now the common use of the word is a bit different, but that's almost exclusively US from what I can tell. Hexbear is also international though, and liberal is a common term for right wingers where I'm from for example.

    Hope I could help.

  • If you want to maximise crimes against (possibly humanity) with a slavery focused economic build, take the genetical engineering ascention path.

    Not only is it very beneficial and makes the pops easier to control, you can also roleplay as french and make all the lifestock mollusca look like snails.

    Hon hon hon.

  • Nama [he/him]tofinance*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    How much more? All of it.

    It's called feudalism and it happened historically. I see no reason why it can't return.

    When the crash happens, the government will pump endless money into companies like Blackrock to "safe" the market. They will use it to further consolidate things.

    It's robbery, but only if you know whats happening.

    They'll have the gall to proclaim the economy saved after prices begin rising again, now with an even worse starting situation than 2008.

  • I get that. It's just I don't really know who else peddled another effective anti-nihilist philosophy in the way Nitzsche did.

    The problem with nihilism is the mindset. If someone thinks nothing matters and still does their best to help, that is just as good as anyone else offering that help.

    And at the same time, becoming a nihilist can be rather radicalizing in an ideologigical sense. I doubt nihilists would fall for great-man theory crap for example.

    When people aren't invested in reality as much anymore, they are also much more open to change their view. For better or worse. Usually worse in this hellish society, which is one reason why nihilism is usually very harmful.

    But when you meet and talk to a nihilist, that fact can also be used and abused. Nihilists love talking, and if you don't come with the usual "choose your own purpose" crap, they are open to listen.

    Maybe I wont mention I got the ideas I'm selling from Nietzsche in the future.

  • I mean I also read Bakunin, despite him being an anti-semite. A lot of great people had some really shitty opinions (I belive he was also still anti-antisemetic and anti-nationalist), but that is besides the point in this case. I fully agree he was a really messed up person, and perhaps that is why he had a lot of rather unique insights. Most philosophers are just remembered for their greatest works, not really the giant pile of crap they also put out. I don't care about 90% of what Marx had to say for example., and I treat about every other thinker that way. And while of course not as important as Marx, there is defenitely something to learn here.

    If you look at Nietzsches life for example, you can't help but say it fucking sucked. Massively. The man was rarely without crippling pain and illness, and yet he carried on. Because of the life-embracing aspect of his philosophy.

    But that isn't all I find interesting in Nietzsche. The Master-Slave morality Nietzsche described also does hold some historic value to it. What are the effects of histories slavery based societies on the psyche and morals of people? It also helps understanding Religion as a reactionary force. His works should be read as a critique of morality as a whole, not as an embrace of "master morality". Though I guess everyone reads it their way. In my case, the abolishing of all masters in order to create a classlesss world is already the goal. That world would have no room for either slave or master morality, but it would instead require a new way of thinking.

    These are two examples of Nietzsches philosophy that I find extremely useful for furthering a leftist mindset, if coupled with Anarchy.

    Nietzsche helped me personally to get some stones rolling in my head, to piece together a more comprehensive view of humanity as a whole. I don't think it made me a bad person either. And most importantly for me personally, it helped me enjoy life again.

  • Nama [he/him]togamesPls
    2 years ago

    Except the trainers tend to be children as far as I understand it?

    I'd say that both roads lead to cursed mansions lol.

  • As some have already pointed out, Nietzsche isn't a Nihilist. He is quite the opposite really. His philosophy is one that embraces the beauty of all things in life (as I understand it).

    It really is a very positive, life embracing viewthat is in no way counterproductive to revolutionary struggle. If anything it is a boon to it, because it developes out of nihilism.

    What is fundermentally wrong about the statement that you, and everyone else, don't matter to the cosmos? Nothing.

    Nihilism isn't wrong in itself, it is the mindset that acompanies it that is damaging. Nietzsches view is that, no matter how meaningles life is, it can still be beautifuly. Both the good and the bad it brings. You can enjoy it.

    If you reach that point, having a purpose or meaning in life could even be seen as restrictive. Limiting. You can do so much more by living as you think its right.

    This is why I personally think Nietzsche is not only very compatible with leftism, but also a good contributor to the developement of an Anarchist mindset in general.

    I'm not to aware about the Nazi way of interpreting Nitzsche, but I belive as with everything it was an utterly stupid way of reading the Übermensch thing.