What if instead of ethical non-monogamy it was non-ethical monogamy and its just where you are mean to your wife?
What if instead of ethical non-monogamy it was non-ethical monogamy and its just where you are mean to your wife?
Oh yeah how is a virus going to get through a hard plastic shield genius
This is how people become convinced they have morgellans
I'm pretty sure these are just jokes.
Although " punative medicine" is a real thing that used to be a lot more popular, giving people IVs of larger sizes than required just because they are a dick for example
I'm pretty sure he only went because he heard that there were a bunch of dogs that had been left behind by evacuating families
That is a an awful pun and who ever wrote it should be shot out of a cannon
So why is everyone always mad at China for allegedly stealing IP like military stuff ?
Like who cares and also military stuff is for killing people I'm pretty sure "stealing" the plans and copying them is significantly less bad
I honestly thought his name was raymond
Yeah that's tight as fuck lol
Honestly this head line sounds a lot worse than what the story actually is. I thought these kids were working directly on the killing floor, which would be pretty traumatic.
But if they're just cleaning the head splitter that's not a big deal.
Every time I see that posted on :reddit-logo: it makes me want to tear my eyes out.
Oh cute pupper wholesome 100 now has titanium teeth with which to better rip the calf muscles off minorities
Oh they military vets have to do this for the dogs it's for the dogs health they actually like having metal teeth.
Gag me with a spoon
Don't the police in the US shoot like 50 dogs a day?
Not to mention constantly killing their own dogs by leaving them in hot cars.
First of all don't you disrespect fucking soy milk that shit walked so oat milk could run.
Soy milk had to be the joke gross milk all through the 90s and 00s just so you could have milk made of everything from peas to fucking Walnuts.
Further, soy milk has been around thousands of years.
And finally, every other milk is absolutely bitch made when it comes to protein.
Almond milk =1 gram of protein
Soy milk = like 9 fucking grams of protein
My favorite videos are asking Americans if a place should be bombed or invaded, and when they say yes, have them identify that country on a blank map of the world.
In a normal person this might give them pause, but not the blood thirsty brain of the anglo
Agrabah practices vicious mutilation of those caught for simply stealing food, their hands are cut off.
Agrabah practices human trafficking by arranging the marriage of the princess
Agrabah is a Hereditary patriarchy with few rights for its poorest citizens, called "street rats".
The police in Agrabah are a brutal gang who constantly attempt to assault citizens with sabers.
NATO should begin sanctions followed by a no fly zone and then a limited drone and saturation bombing campaign in order to secure the human rights of the citizens of Agrabah, and the rights of international mining firms to dig for tiger head caves full of gold in the dessert.
My circulatory system is a grid loser get on my level
?? Why the fuck should I keep my head on a swivel?
Maybe I don't want to go somewhere where there is a threat of violence requiring constant vigilance?
Also I'm not exaggerating about Gary lol you're posting about how dangerous it is
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