Sampson80 [none/use name]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2020

  • 😬 It's not particularly cool to blame the peasants for their own starvation. Some kulaks butchered heads of their cattle so they could at least get some benefit from them, but the effect on the extent of the famine was negligible. It's a very convenient scapegoat for a communist government, blaming "wealthy peasants" behaving selfishly and wastefully, but that itself should be a cause for scepticism.

  • I've got no doubt that marxist literature could be a powerful resource for change and radicalisation within the prison population, but not because it's advocated for by some new inmate who sees themselves as a Revolutionary or enlightened Teacher. I've been to prison, have you? My experience was that it was paramount to your survival to keep your head down and avoid standing out. My abiding memory of that time is constant 24/7 wariness, learning not to trust anybody, and how fragile and precarious your safety was. The wrong word, or joke, or look, or even sitting in the wrong chair could get you marked down as a victim, and if that happened you were fucked because safety in prison is entirely a social construct. If people decide that you're vulnerable, you are.

    So that's why it annoys me when I see people posting shit that looks like fantasy wish-fulfilment about preaching to the receptive, confined masses. It might be because of the unit I was in, but I never met anyone inside who would be receptive to even the concept of a communal society or self-sacrifice for a stranger. A lot of comrades talk about the prison population like its some stereotypical, token group that are all there for selling weed. They talk about them the same way libs talk about Black people. A lot of prisoners are, frankly, fucking horrible human beings who are fundamentally broken inside by trauma.

  • Sampson80 [none/use name]tomainTed Cruz just having a normal one
    4 years ago

    I agree completely with what you've said, but I was explicitly referring to calling people fascists, not identifying statements or societal features as fascist. As you alluded to in your reply it's the parallel version of when Republican boomers label anyone advocating for i.e. Health Care For All as a "Socialist!" , and use that as a blanket method of dismissing them as unworthy of listening to. I will not be posting a picture of my penis at this time, and without wanting to make a big deal of it, find that meme kind of grossly sexual and gendered in a way that cuts against the admirably gender progressive nature of this site and movement.

  • Sampson80 [none/use name]tomainTed Cruz just having a normal one
    4 years ago

    It’s honestly really weird and awkward when people respond with some obvious cartoon picture in their head of who the other person is that they made up entirely based on zero information prior to responding...This cartoon character shit is libby nonsense.

    This is the same site where anyone who says something against the extreme ideological consensus is called a fascist right?

  • Sampson80 [none/use name]tomainTed Cruz just having a normal one
    4 years ago

    You're proving his point about being LARPers. Take your middle-class ass into the prison system and tell people who've grown up in grinding financial and emotional deprivation about "theory". The only socialist achievement you'll make is having your teeth bashed out and your mouth used as a communal fuckhole.