TheDerpiest [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2020


  • My friend asked me to write his son.

    Hello <young man>,

    It's been more than a year! This is <theDerpiest> I won't pretend I know who you are or where you're at. But, I know what potential I saw years ago. And, I've tried to treat you as an equal wherever possible. Now, for the second time, your father has asked me to reach out to you. This time, I consider it an honor.

    I am heavily into Artificial Intelligence, big data, applied to socioeconomic movements. I quit my job to do this work for our movement. <my wife> & I are more comfortable than most, some privilege. But, we've made large sacrifices that definitely "hurt". Now, I have a few teams making a real difference and also feel like a family.

    As I've studied social movements I've recognized a pattern in the "successful" ones. All these groups are decentralized, small, nowhere near the 10-20 million the soft science says our nation needs to "succeed" in making a real change. Then, all of a sudden, for seemingly "no reason at all" (at the time), people flood in, the movement "coalesces", and they "succeed".

    In all the "expert" readings I've done, they explain with, "the situation is bad enough," and some perspective of propaganda. But, I believe they're all lying by omission. There is something more.

    A society, any society, can never sustain even a majority of epistemic virtue to properly represent their own best interests. I believe Bernays: the sheep, or "lumpen", are as eternal as the need for propaganda to lead them.

    The critical factors, the most indicative variables, my intuition and independently backed by the AI, is not only the "badness" of the situation, but also the development of future leadership. The AI, when determining magnitude of "success", values leadership slightly more than the "badness". It values propaganda at roughly half of either of the above. In nonviolent success, leadership roughly 1.5x the "badness".

    If we achieve threshold numbers of leaders with threshold epistemic virtue, the sheep will suddenly follow, we will succeed, and, we will not see it coming. Only in hindsight will we be able to analyze what the thresholds were.

    I see "stinking thinking" all the time, a lack of epistemic virtue. Day before yesterday, a white woman held the door open for me. As I approached she says, "I always hold the door open for POC."

    Well, so do I. I consciously treat the poor and POC with as much respect and love as I can muster. I do it because their lives are likely devoid of such. And, I want them to know someone understands their value.

    But, if someone is proclaiming their intent, their motivation is to make themselves feel good, a substitute for sacrifice for solutions. They've harmed the other, for their gain, effecting nothing positive.

    I hit her with, "How does that do anything but preserve your fragile feelings, Karen?" The response was a body language, "Well I never!"

    I definitely could have handled that better. I wasted an opportunity to try to make a loving impact. I just hope she can take the bad and leverage it to good. I guess that's up to her.

    I'm frustrated as all hell with this cognitive dissonance. Defeating it is quite literally my life purpose. But, we will have no idea how much is enough until after we hit thresholds. We've no choice but to keep on keepin' on, in faith.

    You're not an economic slave, a sheep that believes what they're instructed to believe, one to be caught in the trap of identity politics.

    We need you, <young man> . You must be more.

    Ask me good questions and I will give you honest, high quality answers.

  • The more I love humanity in general the less I love man in particular. In my dreams, I often make plans for the service of humanity, and perhaps I might actually face crucifixion if it were suddenly necessary. Yet I am incapable of living in the same room with anyone for two days together. I know from experience. As soon as anyone is near me, his personality disturbs me and restricts my freedom. In twenty-four hours I begin to hate the best of men: one because he’s too long over his dinner, another because he has a cold and keeps on blowing his nose. I become hostile to people the moment they come close to me. But it has always happened that the more I hate men individually the more I love humanity.

  • TheDerpiest [he/him]topolitics*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I get a little team together. We do some unique stuff. I thought we could drive people to the Green Party for 1:1 engagement, had success, ready to scale.

    My local Green chapter is crap. Somehow, we managed to get to Walker, then Hawkins. Great guy, supportive, coordinating well, everything looks good.

    Then, last minute, silence. Days later, a competitive effort. And then, attempts to stymie our endeavor. We threatened them with pushing traffic to the DSA, buying time to bolster our defenses, then went ahead and ditched the Green Party and Hawkins campaign. We never told them we also intended to meet their funding goal for our state (which subsequently failed).

    I couldn't vote for Gloria. So, I voted for what I think the Green Party could maybe be again if they stop fucking about as they are.

    Don't ask questions about this, please. I shouldn't even share as much as I have. But, I trust you, comrades.

  • TheDerpiest [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Bear mace. Shoots a 30' cone. Lots of collateral damage, but also a large deterrent if seen.

    Police baton. Not legal in 50 states. Extremely intimidating. Hopefully you're bluffing. But, learn to strike with it properly.

    Baseball bat. Can't swing in close quarters. You're using the end, like thrusting a spear. This is bad. But, it's cheap.

    Very, very bright flashlight. Intent is to blind.

    NRA sticker. Find the graphic and fake a few at key windows.

    Any double stack 9mm or AR-15 you can legally get your hands on. You'll pay too much for not the best thing, being late to the party.

  • TheDerpiest [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I went from lurker to active user today because someone is wrong on the internet.

    Well, not really, but you laughed.

    If you pre-fry ground cumin it'll go bitter. But, you definitely want to fry whole cumin seed, tumeric powder, mustard seed, & fennel seed.