TurkeySausageLiker [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2022


  • TurkeySausageLiker [he/him]tochapotraphouseYes….
    2 years ago

    Labor is necessary and must not be resented. What must be resented is the alienating relationship between capital and labor. Society would be nothing without labor, but it can exist without capital.

  • Mariupol is the real fight in Ukraine. Kiev is considered the most important battleground because it's the capitol, but the fiercest fighting is in Mariupol because it is heavily divided between ethnic Russians who want to be part of either the DPR or Russia, and hardcore Ukrainian fascists. A large number of the troops there are actual neonazis and those that aren't officially part of the battalion, tend to have sympathies. They don't care about life so they put up artillery positions in residential areas and wait for Russians to bombard them so they can boast that Russians are monsters.

  • Yeah I live in the US, so we don't really get SA black folks here and the white ones that come are usually libs. The pathology is hilarious to me, but honestly not very different than American "progressives" lol.

    Tbh, SA whites seem like American whites from a few decades ago. I think at some point you will become normal but explicit privilege is too ingrained rn. One thing I'm curious of though: do you think the proportion of white radicals has decreased or increased since the fall of apartheid? I could see this liberal rapprochement being an easy out for whites who feel guilty.

  • Idk their family tree but I think their name holds just enough clout that both of them could pursue volatile careers without fearing that they would ever be poor. For instance if my great grandfather's brother's son started a major conglomerate, I'd probably do whatever I wanted and then if it falls through, I'd just leverage my name and get a decent job paying decent money.

    If you look at my recent comment history, you'll see that I've actually installed a lot of Reznor warehouse heaters lol.

  • This is entirely because of media. All you have to do is think of "what does a random TV writer in NY or LA think is interesting" and you will get the results you see here. Media people are libs obsessed with "marginalized" identities and also rich people so that's what they make tv shows about. Most Americans are alienated and atomized consumers so they think what the media shows them is reality.

  • 99% of western leftists are idealists. I learned about communism as a teen from my cousin who was in the CPRF Komsomol at the time, and had a thorough education of dialectical materialism. I was 25 by the first time I encountered someone claiming to be a "materialist", and all of really meant was that they were against liberal identity politics. I can sympathize with that, but the more I talked to these people the more I realized they were basically just a different flavor of liberal (Stupidpol folks).

    The grim reality is that the only materialist leftists in the west have realized that material conditions aren't anywhere near the point where revolutionary potential is recognizable and have thus given up and sunk into their personal lives for an attempt at happiness, or at the very least an escape from misery.