VladimirLenny [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • VladimirLenny [he/him]
    toliteratureIs there a theory curriculum?
    4 years ago

    Sounds good. Yeah you're right I do need to just dive in. I read Bhaskar's Socialist Manifesto and Robinson's Why You Should Become a Socialist. Which I liked quite a lot, but definitely need to read some of the specific works. I definitely got a good amount of lists from people so I just need to take the plunge now

  • VladimirLenny [he/him]
    toliteratureIs there a theory curriculum?
    4 years ago

    Awesome this is great. Thank you. My background growing up was pretty apolitical. I mean I cared about the environment and didn't think that gay people or racial minorities were subhuman so I guess I was somewhat left. Then in college I got sucked into libertarianism for some time because I liked guns and smoking weed and "the two party system didn't work for me". I kind of bordered eco fascism for a minute when I was big into peak oil and just kind of figured we'd all die a horrible fiery death if we didn't take drastic measures to reduce global population. Then after 2016 election I decided I should get more involved with politics and had probably a 3 month peak lib moment where I religiously listened to Pod Save America and their other shows. Then I started to shift left more through actual left podcasts to where I'm at now.

    Which is basically to say I took a long and windy road and am still just a lib

  • VladimirLenny [he/him]
    toliteratureIs there a theory curriculum?
    4 years ago

    Awesome, thank you, this looks pretty promising. I appreciate that it's subdivided into a few categories. So much of this theory seems so esoteric to me because growing up there was virtually no "left" presence in my life. My mom is like a classic "the View" liberal and anyone I knew with any remotely left views basically boiled down to conspiracy theories and ending the war on drugs (basically Joe Rogan stuff) but with no real framework to learn from.

  • VladimirLenny [he/him]toguns*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I think there are some .22 rifles you can find. A quick search yielded some scoped models that looked like they'd be mainly for hunting. An old roommate of mine had an "AR looking" rifle that shot .223, it was really smooth shooting but I forget the name of it.

    Why are you unable to get an AR or AK variant? Cost, local laws, living situation, or something else?

    How do you feel about bolt action? Back when I was shooting a lot more I remember mosin nagants being popular because of how cheap they were. Maybe something like that might be what you're looking for?


  • VladimirLenny [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Never thought of playing 5e solo but that sounds dope.

    Good luck on the sobriety comrade. I find that trying to exercise every day, no matter how small, goes a long way with me for combating insomnia. I say this though while browsing late instead of sleeping lol