Gets offended by Fredo
Goes and talks like a stereotypical mafioso tough guy.
Love being inundated with ads saying "hey things are open again go spend in the middle of a pandemic that's far from under control or everything you know will cease to exist."
I've been thinking about Karens a lot and why they get irrationally angry and stuff when refused service and I came to the conclusion that capitalism has sublimated the act of consumption into an exercise of freedom, and in many regards, choosing what to consume is one of the few realms where we are allowed at least the illusion of autonomy and cultural identity. It's not that "consume or everything you know will cease to exist", rather "the pandemic has removed your only means of self-determination, get it back". So when Karens are refused service, in they minds they are effectively losing their very freedom and fucking lose it.
I agree with what you said about the Karen ideals, a lot of the anger comes from their inability to exercise their freedom to consume. It was a lot of the idea behind the reopening protests, wanting people to get back to work to allow them to be able to get their hair done, buy shit, go to restaurants, or whatever else.
However, with:
It’s not that “consume or everything you know will cease to exist”, rather “the pandemic has removed your only means of self-determination, get it back”.
This specific ad said "as places begin to reopen, be sure to visit your favorite small business or it may be gone forever."
Yes, you are correct. It's just the idea that you can will businesses not to close (literally, stop the world from changing, in a way) and that you can enforce that will through your loyal patronage strikes me as belonging in the same realm of commodity fetishism as Karens screaming their guts out after being unable to spend their dollarydoos at Costco because they refuse to wear a mask.
This was basically Matt's explanation of the anger behind the MacDonalds Sezchuan sauce debacle.
that is the main element of it. also, some of them just have had their brains rotted by money and lack the capacity to understand what to do otherwise. It looks like a persons happiness is calculated by the brain via six month floating average. So, if you take a person with so much money that nothing ever goes wrong for them. Over a long enough period they lose all perspective. Consider then that their brain ranks emotions relative to itself. So, for a karen, it is entirely possible that their starbucks order being wrong is the worst thing they can remember actually happening to them . so they are 10/10 distressed at an insignificant even because their brain can't remember a significant event to compare it to.
I came to the conclusion that capitalism has sublimated the act of consumption into an exercise of freedom, and in many regards, choosing what to consume is one of the few realms where we are allowed at least the illusion of autonomy and cultural identity.
This is a really annoying take to me, along with the idea that the "market" or Capitalists hate lockdows. Public trust is lower than ever, and people don't like being told what to do by people they don't trust. Lockdowns fucking suck, and more importantly, they don't actually impact your ability to consume! You can still shop from home, order food, buy a lot of services, etc. The idea that Amazon, Apple, any consumer goods company hate lockdown is just ass-backwards. They love it when everybody is bored, scared, and forced to use their services. Travel and leisure got turbo fucked, but the Capital class in general would be absolutely fine with a permanent lockdown.
You can still shop from home, order food, buy a lot of services, etc.
That's not how boomers (and even just suburban Americans in general imo) like to consume though. Suburban Americans love getting in their car and spending a day on the weekend going from store to store just looking for things to buy and stopping at a restaurant for lunch and dinner.
I agree with you the lockdown sucks for everyone, but for suburban Americans it largely sucks because they can't leave their homes to consume which is how they spend a majority of their time.
suburban Americans it largely sucks because they can’t leave their homes to consume which is how they spend a majority of their time.
This is just a hack Bush-era lib comedian take on dumb fat Americans. A lot of the initial lockdowns closed parks, beaches, etc. which is way more of a leash than "greedy Boomers can't go to Fuddruckers and cough on a heroic waiter"
I mean check the videos from the lockdown protests, parks had reopened and people were still out protesting.
I'm not saying it was a majority of the people, just the loudest bunch. That's why I specifically mentioned suburban americans.
Karens throwing temper tantrums in public does not directly translate to the experience of the rest of the people within consumer society (I don't particularly think Karens are a generalized thing) nor am I claiming that online retailers hate lockdowns (?)
What I'm arguing is that some people think that their inability to consume whenever they want, however they wish is a personal affront because consumption is ersatz freedom in western society. If everyone in the Amazon fulfillment centers, and every Uber eats gig economy worker went on strike, you'd probably see shitton of Karen - level meltdowns about it in twitter or whatever. I don't think the means of consumption factor in that much, just the inability to do so.
Ugh yes. The necessity of consumption to keep this dying fucking economy wheezing along is just exhausting. Lmao.
Was the debate so boring the highlight was a when a fly sat on Pence's head?
It's the only thing I saw on the front page.
Seriously. Like there are so many better things to talk about and dunk on but people have so many brainworms a fly is super important
did you watch it? the fly and fracking were the only things i remember and i was stone cold sober the entire time. you really wanna have a serious conversation about anything else that happened in the debate? lol now thats lib shit
Lol. U right. Id just rather see posts dunking on them than about a fly is all.
If I see one more of my lib friends post about the fly I swear to god I’m going to lose my mind.
thats been a common talking point, i think the parents spoke at the rnc this year.
that woman that ISIS killed who Pence pointed out her parents were at the debate. He said the Obama admin was like 2 days late to save her
Syrian Train and Equip Program grifters salivating https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_Train_and_Equip_Program
The watermark thing, effort put into posting good content with it, and then it actually being successful in bringing people here makes me happy. It's been really nice seeing all the positivity from new posters that just learned about chapo.chat and are just happy to be here and it's also really nice to see how welcoming the community has been. This place is a shelter in a harsh storm and I'm thankful to share it with all of you. :heart-sickle:
The VP debate sucked. The fly was the most interesting part of it. I was literally nodding off. I honestly forgot how dull political debates used to be.
I knew it was going to suck. Kamala has all the charisma of an automatic door opener, and Pence all the emotional depth of the albino Opus Dei priest from the illuminati movie thing, and it's not like we can see Kamala getting the rona live. So I didn't even check twitter for it.
this is the dangerous leftist organizing that Reddit fought against by banning r/chapo
For me the process of transitioning was getting on hormones, getting some face laser treatments, buying new clothes and makeup, and the rest was just emotional adjustment.
At this point I don't give a fuck about passing or body hair or my voice, which was all stuff I was really worried about for the first year or so. Eventually I came around to "gender is fake and I'm just going to do what makes me comfortable".
Granted, it took a lot of fretting and experimentation to get to this point, but if you can find the things that are maximum gender euphoria for minimum investment things look a lot less bleak very fast.
Pretty much exclusively dating other trans/gnc people also is a big help.
(see my username) you've probably heard this already but just in case: shave after a couple minutes in a hot shower, try to use shaving cream and only use each blade once (make sure they're very sharp). only shave
againstwith the grain, apply little to no pressure and moisturize afterwards, you should be fine!Shave WITH the grain to prevent ingrown hairs, shave against only if you know what you're doing to get a closer shave.
literally the dumbest mistake to make, should have reread before posting. fixed it, thanks!
He’s a perfect product created for white, college-educated millennial liberals.
Buttigieg is white gay Obama. He's been grown in a test tube for this purpose. Beto was the failed prototype
It has, he went on TV and looked like shit and his hair was thinning a few months back
Caught myself falling off the wagon again hard comrades. Smashed an entire 12 packs before work the other day but caught myself before it got worse
motherfuckers on this website worrying about picking 'their tendency' like its a calculus test
unfortunately the internet will have a lot of people treat it as a personality only. Of course that is mostly caused by the depoliticisation under neo-liberal hegemony but the internet seems to magnify it. That is why logging of is so important. Also just reading, for most of the discussions online you never need to go beyond a child's understanding of things.
A spectre is haunting my workplace - it’s me. My boss who is the owner of the company I work at was telling me he fears the rise of socialism in America. I told him he doesn’t have to worry about that. He then started talking about how Kamala is a socialist because she doesn’t want to deport violent criminals in California or something like that? I told him that’s not what socialism is and that Kamala is a pretty standard neoliberal, but his phone rang before he could reply and he answered it. It’s just so strange hearing this man tell me how you can’t trust the mainstream media and all that shit and then just sit there and repeat Fox News talking points at me. I feel like I’m going crazy when we talk politics. I can tell he thinks I’m naive and uninformed but he doesn’t know what the words he saying even mean it’s very odd.
xi please, america tortures it's citizens if they don't have money to pay their way out of it
They gave me laughing gas, it was hella fun, then I went home and ended up talking to my friend about the brak show for an hour. a great experience. unsure if that also costs money though
if it makes you feel better i felt absolutely nothing when I got them taken out. its a bit weird since you know what they're doing in your mouth, and you can feel them moving around in there, but in terms of pain there was absolutely none. i hope it goes okay for you though. i had to go in twice because they used the legal limit of numbing agent to numb the one side of my mouth the first time (that stuff always has trouble numbing me for some reason), and both times it went off without a hitch, no pain at all. good luck though
ok yeah shit, i did forget about that and that was fucking weird. but i was honestly so hopped up on laughing gas that it barely registered, probably why I can barely remember it. When I went i was able to communicate with the person working on me to increase/decrease the amount of laughing gas i was being given, which really helped. hopefully they also do that with you, because i think being able to control the laughing gas made me feel i had some sort of control over the situation, and eased my anxiety a bit. but yeah they are digging in your mouth with tools and shit, and you know exactly what they're doing in there, so it is a bit freaky. the laughing gas though should not only help with the pain but also to just calm your thoughts. at least it did for me, which was a big help.
Sedation is not very common where I'm from and I've already had wisdom teeth pulled out. It's bizarre but it doesn't hurt at all. Maybe your lips if they're chapped. What you'll feel is the doctor's hand pressing on your face (because leverage) and small cracking noises inside your jaw.
You're gonna be fine, just be sure to take some juice to drink after the extraction. The adrenaline rush is pretty intense. I remember I tried to stand up immediately after I had the first one pulled and my dentist forced me to sit again because I was too wobbly.
Can I just say how beautiful it is that we are welcoming all these new people with a good ol' China struggle sesh, truly communicating the essence of the board
It's even a quality sesh, we love to see it