grilldaddy [she/her]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • grilldaddy [she/her]tochapotraphouse*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I had a younger rich boomer bring in something that they ordered from a different store entirely get huffy because the store I was with carried the same brand when I wouldn't accept their return. like bitch what part of you need to return this to the place you bought it from don't you understand?

  • Yeah I think this strategy will backfire. They keep trying to paint the scene as an angry mob in a dangerous area of the city but a bunch of the witnesses are children and teenagers and every person who saw it from every angle had the exact same read on the situation. You can't watch those videos and see "angry mob" instead of "concerned citizens". The "mob" of people were yelling things like "check his pulse!" and "do CPR!"... this strategy is just not going to land.

  • So much of what’s perceived as attractiveness is honestly just swag. Confidence is really difficult to fake but if you love yourself and feel confident on the inside I swear to god it works like a magnet. I agree with you about the nice guy thing — I think where that goes wrong is that men who don’t think they deserve love think that kindness is all they have to offer. Anything that is rooted in insecurity will have the opposite effect of what you want it to have. In order to attract people who also love themselves you need to make sure you do whatever you can to love yourself first. I don’t think that it’s essential that you love everything about your appearance but you learning to appreciate it enough to rock it will take you most of the way. As time goes on more of the things you didn’t like about yourself you’ll come to appreciate because they are what make you you.

  • I try to be diligent about brushing my at least hair once a day (I use a boar's bristle brush because it moves grease from the roots down through the ends. Vegan comrades might be able to suggest an alternative that works the similarly but I don't know of one off-hand). I use hot water on my scalp when I get in the shower and kind of give yourself a scalp massage to help move some of the grease down your hair. I use a cup of water with a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar as a shampoo replacement and leave that on for a little bit. I co-wash (so I use conditioner afterwards) mostly because it smells nice but I don't think this step is necessary. Rinsing with cold water is unpleasant but helps close the cuticles and makes your hair super shiny. My hair is thick as shit and required a lot of shampoo when I was using it and was still always dry. Not washing my hair with shampoo saves me a lot of money and my hair basically doesn't get greasy anymore. It doesn't work for everyone though and it's definitely uncomfortable and gross at first lol

    Edit -- just read over this and it looks kind of impenetrable lol. TLDR is brush your hair, use hot water when you massage your scalp in the shower.