WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


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    everyone would just look at me like a man pretending to be a woman. A pervert. I don’t want people to look at me like a disgusting creep :/

    On the plus side, it'll help filter out people who probably rather not be friends with anyways. My mom worried about us being ostracized because of having two moms, but I figured anyone who that was enough reason to keep them from wanting to be around me were not worth my time. So I was pretty unashamed about my parents (perhaps I should have respected their privacy a bit more). It is a lot harder to feel that way when its yourself and I can't say much given I still need to come out to some people (and I intend to stay in the eggshell at work), but at least its something I'd like to keep in mind myself.

  • Colloquially, female & woman and male & man are the same. There are few situations where people use them with distinction, and I only see it used for either technical reasons (like geneticists) or a way to be casually transphobic.

    They're different parts of speech (male/female can also be a noun, but usually only done by people like disconnected from the subjects they're describing, like cops and scientists). I mentioned that the graphic doesn't differentiate them as a positive about it FTR.

    On the other hand I’ve seen a lot of people use AFAB and AMAB when it’s completely irrelevant.

    I've probably used it in times you'd probably think it was irrelevant as a way of avoiding making more specific claims. Easier to say what I'm not (which AMAB, imo, implies - I don't agree it implies you ever were the thing; just that others said you were).

    So honestly I kind of prefer the MTF/FTM terminologies because they’re much clearer that transition changes your sex

    Back when I was a lot more ignorant about gender/sex/etc, I liked those labels because it was clear what was meant. Given transphobes will say things like "we need to stop transmen from going into the women's bathroom" when they mean to exclude trans women, I was never 100% what was meant when they're used.

    Now I'm not a fan of them because they feel like they exclude NBs (which usually is not intended) or those who don't medically transition.

    at most a trans woman is socialized male only in the same sense a masking autistic person is socialized as a neurotypical… I could go on about this for a while

    My mom certainly isn't socialized as a girl. And she was AFAB and identifies as a woman (granted, her definition of "woman" is based 100% only on the bits she was born with). Socialization is certainly more complex than AGAB. It describes how people TRY to socialize with us. Was at a family gathering (these tend to be very woman-dominated) not long after realizing I was an egg and my cousin's BF tried to do guy talk with me (sports or something) and quickly got bored and went to chat with my mom instead. Just kinda funny seeing that gendered socialization expectations break down in such an obvious way.

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    I was playing an online game where you can customize your appearance, and the default avatar was a featureless, not particularly gendered, cute looking cartoon person. I tried making it look like how I actually look, but then I realized, “Wait, I kind of prefer the featureless androgynous humanoid cartoon – that’s closer to what I actually feel like”. If you asked me how I imagine myself inside, the honest and silly answer is that I feel like a “Scrimblo Bimblo”-type genderless cartoon/video game character.

    Then go for that if you want to? You aren't alone. Things like nullification surgeries are a thing people get (seen multiple people on the agender subreddit mention it), for example of evidence of the demand.

    I’m not 100% sure if “woman” is the right label for me, but I’m not totally against it either – it just feels odd.

    I think a lot of people weird weird using that label when their body is so masculine. I'm open to the possibility that I'd start accepting that label if people started gendering me that way, but currently I'm not really interest in the label.

    The prospect of medically transitioning and still identifying as nonbinary is… frightening, but fear seems like a bad reason not to do it.

    Was something I dealt with as well. Made me feel like a bit of an imposter during my HRT appointment. I intend to come out to my immediate family (already out to my brother and cousin) before HRT starts to have significant effects, but I'm not really sure what I'm coming out as. So I plan to just come out as "someone taking HRT".

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    Very relatable. Not sure how long I felt like that, but realized it felt like my body was just a suit I piloted about 8 years ago but didn't know about depersonalization, so didn't really have the words to describe it. Not did I have any clue what might be the cause.

    For a bit in school, I had a reputation of not eating, so I was either compared to plants or robots. I'd lean into the latter by intentional having wires from my phone battery back hang out if my pocket sometimes. Being a robot was fairly relatable.

    When I first started questioning if I was trans is when I came across that one article that talking about how dissociation can be a hidden sign of dysphoria and that's the first time I was a list of symptoms of it, and I fit almost all of them perfectly. Both depersonalization and derealization.

    One time an ER gave me ketamine and when I was coming off of it, one of my mom's tried using the fact that I was still high to "threaten" to paint my nails pink. She had already asked me if I'm a woman before that (which I said no because NB), so I suspect she was trying to use the fact that I was on ketamine to get me to talk more honestly. I should have taken her up on the offer, but I tend to try to just be silent when coming off anaesthetics and such.

    Edit: also noticed its largely been gone or at least toned down significantly since like 2 days after starting HRT. Probably just placebo ¯\(ツ)