polonez [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2021


  • polonez [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Nice one again, it's not like you haven't used that before 100 times and I know exactly what you posted Anyway, we can continue playing this game of " I have no idea what you are talking about". It's not gonna lead anywhere, so what do you want this time?

  • polonez [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I saw the tapes so what say you? It was like the Patterson–Gimlin Bigfoot footage, but pretty authentic. Also who gives a fuck, an idiotic spat between former lovers was then turned into some really important thing when everyone was interested in extending the drama as it was profitable for everyone involved.

    The only thing gamergate was was the point at which the wild west nature of the internet disappeared and the general obsession of society and the structures that govern it, ala politics, etc., with politeness. I grew up on an internet where I would be called slurs or insulted on the daily on obscure Russian forums which shall not be named, in the spirit of friendly negativity. Whether you think that is good or bad, I am not arguing about that but it is how it is what it is.

  • polonez [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    It's not and the game she made was trash and her sleeping with the reviewers so they could give good reviews to her trash game should have been made fun off, but at the same time imagining journalists, especially fucking video game journalists have any morals but also who gives a fuck.

    The day I can't make fun of someone for sleeping their way to success is the day society has failed. Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown to get her career ahead. That is all

    All in all, stop being clinically online.

  • polonez [none/use name]tomainSeveral things happening here.
    4 years ago

    To be fair, the Hispanics and Blacks outnumber the whites in many of the places, so it's not even that they are reinforcing white supremacy, white bois would get fucked up if they didn't have each others backs.

  • polonez [none/use name]tomainSeveral things happening here.
    4 years ago

    Everyone joins the AB or Peckerwoods when they go to certain places because that's how prisons works. Everyone joins their respective ethnic gangs for protection, even if you don't agree with them. That is unless you are put in special protection or whatever.

  • polonez [none/use name]tomainSeveral things happening here.
    4 years ago

    To be fair, one of the most common pesticides in America, atrazine, which has been shown to be present in the drinking water of many US cities in levels far exceeding what it should be, has shown to have hormone disrupting side effects and been linked to micro-penises in infants in Brazil and disturbances in the development of males.


    This is a good video going over all the facts and the attempts by the companies making atrazine to silence the researcher who found the early links, their corruption of the governmental offices, and how they made it out to be a cooky conspiracy what Alex Jones was saying.

    All in all, Viking Shaman is correct in that he should demand organic food.