posadist [he/him]

  • 31 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • They’re rare and new for most Muslim communities, vast majority wear hijab and wore a simple shawl around their head prior to the 70s/80s. For example my grandparents’ generation still wear saris, while their daughters and grandchildren wear more conservative hijabs and even burkas.

    Most 2nd and 3rd generation Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in east London tend not to wear them because it’s not what they grew up around and others see it as extreme but commendable (like a sacrifice/symbol of devotion to god). Having said that, I do know a comrade through momentum who does cover her face. I don’t necessarily agree with her reasons. If anything I’d discourage it within my own community.

    It’s like when chuds bring up black on black crime. Yes it’s important to address the issue, but that’s not what they’re doing is it? Muslim women are already one of the most targeted groups for hate crimes in Western Europe.

  • Not even a debate. People who think this probably don’t know many Muslims. It’s blatant islamophobia. Most of the based Muslim activists I knew locally are hijab wearing women and are proud of it.

    Burqa can and has been used to oppress women, including members of my family, but if you’re looking at tools to oppress women in western society surely you’d start elsewhere. It’s nowhere near as widespread as it’s made out to be. Demonisation of women wearing burqa on the other hand is very dangerous and has caused countless hate crimes towards those women.

  • Most people who believe in socialist economies have reactionary/conservative social views compared to the average person who uses this website.

    If anything what you expect is uncommon unfortunately. People have different priorities/awareness and the movement prioritises certain struggles over others.

    There’s a reason why USSR wasn’t a gay feminist utopia. While capitalism enforces some of the bigotry, it won’t just magically go away under socialism. Think of it this way, at least they’re half way there, some of them will come around.

  • posadist [he/him]toveganPeta is an op
    4 years ago

    The based ones are often called comically evil. There’s nothing as evil as people wanting to end exploitation according to certain sections of popular media.

  • Listening to an audiobook achieves the same goal. Not everyone can read, hard disagree with that ableist shit.

    I have ADHD. I’m a university student who hasn’t read a single book since I was 12. Some people find it hard to, others have jobs and other responsibilities.

    Reading poorly translated written text from 100+ years ago, while very helpful, isn’t the only way to learn. I have listened to audiobooks of Marx and State and Revolution, I even uploaded it to mobilism and other piracy sites.

    You’re misusing that quote, nowhere did I say writing theory isn’t important for the movement. If anything I’d argue that even Graeber and Chomsky are just as important for modern socialists. The vast majority of people who died fighting for any working class revolution were illiterate.

  • As long as you understand the theory there’s no need to read specific works. There are plenty of other ways to learn and people with ADHD certainly aren’t incapable of learning, you just have to find a way that works for you.

    Personally I listen to audiobooks while working out or commuting. You can watch YouTube videos or read small articles on whatever you find interesting. You can learn at your own pace and in your own way (if you want to).

    The left loves to tear itself apart with dick measuring contests. Don’t feel bad because some debate lord called you a lib. You have got nothing to prove to anyone.


  • posadist [he/him]tomemesBoat
    4 years ago

    Which is why I refuse to make the choice to free my slaves. That is a structural problem.