This was about 10 years ago.

Warning: this is a long story and involves animal cruelty

When I was in high school my parents convinced me to leave and get a job. I wanted to work with animals, but obviously had no experience so that meant retail work which meant pet shops.

Pet Shops are horrible, as I've come to learn. Boy howdy, do I have some horror stories.

Pet Shop workers are hired as retail assistants. We got paid the same as any other retail assistant despite the animal care aspect and most workers only had a rudimentary knowledge of animal care. I had more knowledge of animal care by studying it in my own time as a kid (ADHD hyperfocus is weird) than the floor manager that was directing me. We had no training at all.

The animals were 100% products in the worst way you can imagine. The worst was the fish. I have kept aquariums all my life and pretty much know the requirements of most aquarium fish. Again, none of the other staff including the store manager knew these things. every fish tank was hooked up to the same filtration system and they all shared the same water. This means that fish that liked more acidic water would be getting the same water as the fish that needed more alkaline water. Cold water fish were getting the tropical fishes heated water.

Fish deaths were common and there was no quarantine tank, so no way to medicate sick fish unless you wanted to medicate them all (again, shared water). Not that the store manager would let me waste money medicating them anyway. It was cheaper to let them die and just buy more.

They would sell goldfish to people who still thought they could live in a bowl. When I told customers that goldfish can get to the size of small guinea pig, require a filter and can live for 20 years, I would get in trouble for telling the truth about the 'product' and not just doing the sale. (Because obviously people think goldfish are easy to take care of so if you tell them they require 'this and that' some people get put off).

The puppies were kept in pens at the front of the store to lure customers. In the morning I had to arrive an hour before the shop opened and clean these pens, puppys poop a lot and the poor things were usually covered in shit by morning, so I'd bath them all. In order to clean the actual pen the rules were that I had to cram all the puppies into a tiny dog crate because they were unvaccinated and they didn't want them to catch parvo off the floor. This extra hour of shitty work was unpaid and didn't go on the roster.

We never knew where the puppies came from either. They'd buy them from anyone that just walked into the store wanting to sell their puppies. Lots of 'designer' breeds came in that I'm sure were from puppy mills. Sometimes the sellers didn't even know the crossbreed for the dog so the store manager would just make one up to sell them as.

I quit this job when the store manager told me that if I wanted to keep the job I'd have to take on more unpaid hours. This is illegal obviously, but at the time I was young and naive so I just quit instead.

Again, because I was young and naive I figured I'd get a job in a different pet shop because "They can't all be terrible, right? I just got a bad business I'm sure the next one will be fine!" Oh, you sweet summer lib.

They were all mostly the same. It shouldn't have taken three stores to convince me to find a new line of work but I guess I was young and stupid.

The last straw was the slow death of a lorikeet parrot. For those who don't know, rainbow lorikeets are one of the few parrots that eat nectar. They require special food. Not only that, the food must be fresh. Rainbow lorikeets are prone to gut infections from spoiled food. Well, the last store I worked in bought a rainbow lorikeet from some random dude who came in, but no one in the store knew how to care for it of course. I told them that it would probably die from infection if we didn't keep the cage clean and remove uneaten food after a couple of hours.

I didn't work weekends. I came back on Monday and sure enough, the store manager had told everyone to leave the same food for it all day to save money.

It ended up getting a stomach infection, I had to watch it slowly die. I offered to take it to the vet, they wouldn't let me.

Did you know some parrots have the intelligence of a three-year-old?

Yeah, I quit and found a new line of work.

Please, don't buy pets from pet stores, buy from a trusted breeder instead. (EDIT: Actually, adopting is probably more ethical as some breeders are bad too)

Anyway, I have lots of other dirt on this shitty business, AMA.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    When we decided to let one of the kids have an aquarium we trusted the advice of the lady in the store who told us that there was no problem in keeping two gold barbs and six harlequin rasboras in a 45 L aquarium.

    Later I read that one gold barb needs at least 100 L. Our first tank was way too small. The two gold barbs became extremely stressed and territorial and ate all the rasboras. It was horrible to watch. We took them back the next day and was scolded by the people in the store for bringing them in so close to closing time.

    From that day on I've never trusted anything a pet store assistant says without double checking it myself. I'm sure there's is lot of people working in pet shops who knows what they are selling, but then there is all the other people who also work there who either doesn't know shit or doesn't give a shit.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      3 years ago

      The problem is, those of us who knew how to look after fish were pressured into giving false info if it sold the fish faster. It sucks.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      3 years ago


      Puppies and kittens? no, as they always get sold. But I have been in a shop that would release unfriendly birds into the wild. Fish were a big one, aggressive fish, sick fish, old fish? They'd flush them.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    3 years ago

    This is some horrifying shit but really glad you are giving us a view into all this. I don't have much to say other than that because pretty sad rn. Those poor animals. Also sorry that you had to live through that experience seeing so much suffering and having no power to stop it.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      3 years ago

      Feel like an asshole for staying for as long as I did. Amazing how cowardly I was.

      Of course, I didn't take part in any cruelty myself, but I should have left earlier or blown the whistle on them or something rather just looking the other way.

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        3 years ago

        I get it though I don't know if maybe you felt trapped though. Being young you did the best you could with the limited options you had. Here hope this helps :Care-Comrade: Sorry if weak response.

      • ButtBidet [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Nah, I was a way way bigger fuckhead in my youth. You're good.

  • Lord_ofThe_FLIES [he/him]
    3 years ago

    don’t buy pets from pet stores, buy from a trusted breeder instead

    Please don't buy anything from breeders. There's so many animals waiting to be adopted, breeding more of them is absolutely criminal. Don't fucking buy animals, they're not property, they're people

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Imagine putting female dogs in tiny cages their whole miserable life, euthanizing them when their baby production drops, and euthanizing all puppies that aren't sellable or profitable enough. And this is your fucking business.

      When the revolution comes, I'm putting these petite bourgeois scum in tiny cages until they self crit.

  • CrispyFern [fae/faer, any]
    3 years ago

    I briefly worked at a petstore when I was younger. I wasn't involved with taking care of animals at all, so I don't have any horror stories, but I am amazed at how many people just blindly trust the advice of retail workers at chain petstores. I received exactly 0 training on animal care and at least once per shift I would have to tell someone, "I have no idea, that sounds like something you should discuss with your vet."

    It was also a job where I was expected to destroy discontinued products. It broke my heart when my manager showed me how I was supposed to cut "out of season" dog collars with a razor blade before throwing them away to prevent people from dumpster diving them or trying to return them or whatever. If no one was watching me (which was 90% of the time) I just threw them out as-is. The managers complained about dumpster divers a lot so I would always try to help them out by only putting dangerous things (like broken glass or leaky chemicals) in the right dumpster and safe things (like dog food and beds) in the left dumpster.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I remember getting a tarantula from a pet store as a teen. This species of tarantula was a desert tarantula, yet the pet store told me to mist the cage every day and buy some green moss stuff for the substrate. It only needed to be fed once or twice a week, yet the store told me to feed it every day. I remember getting the tarantula out of sheer pity due to how it was treated at the store. I can only imagine how bad they treated the other animals. Thanks for sharing your story, it's insightful into how bad it actually is.

  • Awoo [she/her]M
    3 years ago

    Tell me a story that wasn't the last straw but probably should have been.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      3 years ago

      The time the manager released an unwanted parakeet into the wild.

      Without a flock they get attacked by wild birds and die pretty fast... :sadness:

      • Awoo [she/her]M
        3 years ago

        :< Reminds me that I had a pet Meyer parrot when I was young and the thing got out the door in the night by mistake. Never could find it. It had escaped in the day time previously twice and come back but at night time I guess it couldn't get its bearings.

  • posadist [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Sounds horrible! I agree, animals shouldn’t be treated like ‘products’ to be exploited by humans. Anyways, on a lighter note, what are you having for dinner?

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I worked in one maybe 15 years ago but it was super bougie upscale thing but even then i couldn't help but notice how poorly made so stuff was made, from really cheap collars and leashes that can snap in instant to just how disgusting of ingredients they'd put in pet food. we mainly dealt in dogs/cats so idk if it's the same, but assume every other pet food was lightweight hazardous? they'd put roadkill in some dog foods, which i could not get over, are animal food like fish and bird, etc. food also just as bad for the big brands? They even had things like "brewer's rice" in food that had absolutely zero nutritional value left in them making up a bulk of the entire thing.

      • Awoo [she/her]M
        3 years ago

        Assesses how much of their nutritional requirements it meets. Extremely good website for factual analysis of pet food. This was started by a pet food industry whistleblower who became unhappy with how little information buyers really had about whether the food they buy is actually meeting all the requirements that their pet needs.

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        3 years ago

        yeah hella pets got allergies like a mf cause all they eat is corn, wheat, soy and any source of sellable meat left on the market. super fucked up how practically unregulated that market is, i haven't looked into in forever so not sure if something has changed but goddamn, that business should be audited hard lol

  • Shrek
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Thanks so much for the post, comrade.

    OMFG do pet business owners get the wall (in minecraft).

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    I did a lot of animal work when I was younger, and one thing everyone in that area agrees on is that pet stores are shit and you should never buy an animal from them

  • Yanqui_UXO [any]
    3 years ago

    why did you vow to never work in one again? and why did it take 3 shops?