takoyaki [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2020


  • takoyaki [any]toanimeChainsaw Man, Fire Punch are so gross
    3 years ago

    what's wrong with it? as someone who's read a LOT of manga since they were a kid, I'd say that fujimoto is pretty good as far as mangaka go. it's absurd, it's fun, it doesnt take itself too seriously, and at the end of the day, I don't read manga for any meaning other than entertainment and don't try to draw too much from it.

    someone on a reddit discussion said it best in regards to chainsawman - its like a movie, just nonstop action and fujimoto doesn't pull any punches.

    and i'd say the art is pretty good too. lemme tell ya, atleast you're not reading filler shonen trash that forgets its plotline every 20 chapters

    edit: and the ecchi... yeah... that's just japanese culture i guess, i dunno lol. i've become pretty desensitized to it, almost every other anime and manga has fanservice shoehorned into it at this point. don't let it deter you from enjoying a good story imo, but i can see how it can definitely detract from it.

  • takoyaki [any]tohistory*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    change my view on SSRIs please, I'm generally anti-ssri because of what you said, that they are overprescribed. just because it did good for you doesn't mean that everyone will have the same effect, some girls I know in college are on them and they're constantly drinking, abusing other hard drugs, etc, and these ssris dont help their anxiety (or depression but I dont know them that well to say that).

    I don't mean this in any harm, I guess I'm just not that educated on ssris besides their negative side effects and how rampant they are

  • finally hit nearing 200lbs on my bulk, should I keep going or go for a cut back down to 180?

    365x5 DL, 275x5 squats, 255x5 bench, 155x4 OHP, these are way better gains i've made in the gym in the past few months of being back than my 5 years of trying to slim down and approach my lifting with aesthetics.

    alternatively, should I keep bulking but try to clean up my diet? I eat pretty much whatever's served up to me on the table (pretty fucking lucky for that), so I have no real focus on my macros and micros.

  • takoyaki [any]tomainCalculus 2 is hard af : rant
    4 years ago

    dont get down on yourself man, calc 2 is cool and really (heh) integral to understanding some engineering and physics.

    it just sounds like you got owned by online school + a bad professor, which is understandable.

  • i’ve been jump roping to supplement the fact that I can’t lift and haven’t been lifting since november because of lockdown again. my feet hurt because jumping rope on pavement sorta hurts man.... I just wanna be able to go lift some heavy weights again :(

  • takoyaki [any]topoliticsLol lol lol. Puuure scum.
    4 years ago

    well... i’m gonna use an extreme case here and say that in stuff like weightlifting, there is definitely a difference in a female competing and a male competing, even with performance enhancing drugs involved. so yes, there is a difference. now in sports, the difference may be less pronounced but I would say it’s still there.