wild_dog [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2023


  • If Trump was president, then the mainstream narrative would be that the genocide in Gaza was simply because of Trump and Bibi's leadership.

    The media didn't care about Israel sniping people during the Great March of Return. When Trump bombed Syria, they bent over backwards to say that was the moment he really became President. It's possible more liberals would care about the genocide if he was in office but the media would likely still back Israel bc that's what the US natsec ghouls want.

  • idk about this. Following this logic a cis het dude into feet or BDSM would be queer and I don't think they should count bc they aren't being discriminated against the way a LGBT person is. I do think there's certain kinks/ways cis het people could be considered queer but I think this definition obscures why Pride exists to begin with.

    I think part of queerness is not fitting in traditional gender and/or sexuality roles. Like is the libs of Tiktok lady coming after y'all just for existing?

    I'm not hating on y'all and you're definitely welcome at Pride imo but it feels weird to say everyone who has a kink is queer when kinks are so normalized that it would basically mean everyone is queer at that point. I also feel like that definition makes things weird for asexual people (who definitely are a part of the community bc they do face similar discrimination and marginalization.)

  • wild_dog [they/them]tochapotraphouseOh, for fuck's sake
    2 months ago

    It's all very predictable and another 4 years of Biden won't prevent these things happening, just prolong them and probably make it worse somehow by bottling it up for longer.

    it would likely manufacture consent for these things happening much like it has manufactured consent for libs to want stricter border laws and mass surveillance.