It just occurred to me that my internet dialect in my IRL dialect are slightly different in a few ways. Curious to hear others dialectal differences and thoughts on the subject.

    10 months ago

    Mostly, I'm just waaay more coherent when I can go back and edit things, and never lose my train of thought in the middle of a

    10 months ago

    I've actually been told multiple times that I type exactly how I talk! Once was by a boss and I don't think he meant it as a compliment though...

    Picked up the annoying milennial habit of adding 😂 to everything a couple years back when I started hanging out too much with cross stitchers on Instagram though.

  • Ms.
    10 months ago

    I swear so much more irl than online, like a ton. I use lol online and some time saving abbreviations (like I won't say irl irl, I'll sound out the full words). Otherwise I pretty much talk the same

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    10 months ago

    I address people as "cousin" slightly more online since it's a handy gender-neutral form of address.

    IRL I avoid starting words and especially sentences with S sounds because of my lisp. Literally no one notices but those words still take more effort for me to pronounce.

    Online I will reference visual memes, eg. shockedpikachu.jpg

    Online I really only use two tones, which amount to "serious / debate / lecture" and "joking / shitcomment / shitkicking". You can tell them apart because the first has sentences that start with capitalized letters and end in periods. IRL I code-switch a lot more with dozens of personas (probably because I sell things for a living).

      10 months ago

      "Cousin", i like that. I've been working on using gender-neutral address but it's tough in-the-moment.

    10 months ago

    I am far more eloquent over text than I am in real life. If I were to speak the way I write, I'd be tripping all over my own words

    10 months ago

    I’m a lot more polite, and I generally don’t swear on the internet. Irl I’m not family friendly at all. If I were in a TV show my only lines would be “bleeeeep bleep bleeeep bleep”

      10 months ago

      Hah! Same with the IRL potty-mouth. People who I got to meet in person after having known me online expected someone really self-effacing and soft-spoken. Of course they were shocked at how salty my mouth can be.

      I do keep my f-bombs precise though, for maximum impact.

  • Call me Lenny/
    10 months ago

    Digitally, I can express myself more clearly, neatly, and capably (one could even say I feel more sober and not remotely in another state of mind), so I sound like a thesaurus saleswoman, but it's brought to my attention I have the same "mild valley girl idiosyncrasies" (like, I can't help that) along with everything else.

    10 months ago

    I mostly communicate in English online. Even when I don't use English, my online communication still tend to use more English loanwords. It is also a bit formal and diplomatic, without much use of online abbreviations and other shortcuts.

    IRL, it's my native tongue, with a smattering of English words and phrases. It tends to be more informal and direct as well. However, I don't think I use a lot of colloquialisms, slang and the like, even if my IRL speech gets really informal.