Because it's extremely funny to see how many people just create a password and then just yeet that shit straight down the memory hole and have to make a new account

  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Seriously. I have no idea what my password to this site is. It's just a bunch of random letters, numbers, and symbols. Whenever I get logged out I just go to the login page, tell my password manager to fill it in, and click login.

    It's literally easier than trying to remember a password, and an order of magnitude more secure. That shit is literally built into your browser, or even your OS if you use Apple devices. Firefox (and Apple devices I think) even offers to generate passwords when you're signing up for shit.

    If you don't wanna bother with the good shit like BitWarden because it needs an extension and an app or whatever, at least use the one built into your browser/device.