That can't be a good omen.

    • pedik [he/him]
      3 years ago

      ew that game is reactonary trash with zero good takes on communism or fascism capitalism, yes i understand its a parody of 50s america, why isnt there racism then?

      • drhead [he/him]
        3 years ago

        ...Were there any takes on Communism at all in New Vegas? I know they make it very clear that liberal democracy (NCR) is bad, if not irredemable corrupt trash. The Followers of the Apocalypse also give GOOD, POSITIVE anarchist representation. EVERYONE with a single shred of empathy wants to be like the Followers because they are unambiguously good (except maybe some of the bits with The White Wash quest). Communism isn't really discussed in any depth to my knowledge in any of the Fallout games, in fact I believe Comrade Collectron's dialogue in FO76 has more discussion of communism as an ideology rather than as a vague bad thing than I've seen in every other game combined (and all of it is good takes, too, no wonder people love him...). In fact, communism as a vague bad thing is commentary and is a dig at the US, since people criticize communism extensively without having the first clue what the fuck it is.

        If you dig further into the lore, there's a lot more digs at capitalism than on communism, and very few nice things about capitalism (I also was just reminded of in-game Chinese concentration camps mirroring our Japanese internment camps, there's one in Point Lookout in FO3 and one in Big MT in New Vegas: OWB, does this cover the racism? Then again in FO4 one of your neighbors is an interracial lesbian couple -- the racism is very focused against Asians as it is portrayed). The Chinese did launch the nuclear first strike, because the Americans were invading and they were pinned in a stalemate. The game broadly doesn't pick sides on economic issues, it's more against adhering to an ideology so hard that you'd willingly opt to destroy the world for it (something neither side is portrayed as keen to avoid, and not at all a bad take all things considered -- the bomb does in fact kill the ruling class as well, but it still sends us all to hell), and given the sheer horror that the Sino-American War was even BEFORE the bombs, anti-war in general. It's not really anti-communist in any significant sense, but that doesn't stop people from seeing Liberty Prime and going WOW, COOL ANTI-COMMUNIST ROBOT. At least we do have a based communist robot now.

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I’ve been having night terrors and incredibly violent dreams the last 5 weeks since I went sober. Dying, killing, combat, fights, etc.

    Wake up yelling or shouting and I have woken up punching the wall and my bed, kicking, and lunging halfway off my bed.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      I don't dream. Sleeping for me is literally like how they portray sleeping in video games. Close your eyes when it's dark then BOOM, alarm's going off and waking you up to the next day.

      It might've been two decades since I've last had a dream.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        3 years ago

        That sounds ideal, honestly. I roll around for hours thinking about embarrassing moments from ten years ago before I get to sleep. Then I dream about doing chores, and wake up with them not having been done.

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          I roll around for hours thinking about embarrassing moments from ten years ago before I get to sleep.

          I still do that time to time. I usually body meditate to get my mind off of that stuff and help lull myself to sleep.

      • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
        3 years ago

        smoking weed causes that. if you want to have a really vivid dream, wear a nicotine patch when you sleep. your dreams will be as real as your waking life.

  • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    One time I kept having a dream where some kind of crocodile monster would kill me in a different way each time I had the dream. This took place in my house as well. I would do the "no scream" thing and every other classic childhood nightmare scenario.

    Anyway, one day I have the dream and the crocodile picks me up and throws me into his mouth. I thing proceed to push his jaws apart from inside and break his jaw and kill him. I never had the dream again.

    Have you tried fighting back? Maybe you'll defeat the dream.

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I had SO MANY animal attack recurring dreams when I was a kid. I always woke up before the animal actually attacked me, so I never got the chance to try fighting back. It's cool that worked though, I'm going to remember that.

  • sappho [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I had dreams for a while about getting shot in the head because my subconscious was wrestling with the idea of death. Each time I just felt very slowly and vividly my consciousness fading away, and the real terror/paradoxical peace of "This is it, this is the real thing, I'm dying." So it really depends on the context of why you're getting shot, and what happens around that event.

  • duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Not a therapist but a good therapist would probably do some free association with you to figure out what your unconscious is trying to communicate. This isn't something you can do by yourself. Maybe you could do a zoom session with a Lacanian therapist or ask one of your friends to look into free association and then help you out?

    We can't tell you what your unconscious is trying to say because words mean different things to different people. Pouring your heart out to a good shrink will probably help you understand what the fuck is going on.

  • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Wow, same kinds of dreams. Weird.

    Mine were about failing my English class. When I told my parents, the dreams stopped.

    So. WHAT DID YOU DO, OP???