Sickening to see a popular movement for justice being coopted and neutered by libs to serve the democrat party.
The BLM national branch has been lousy for a long time, as I understand. Local chapters can be significantly better. But the national branch gathered $millions in indulgences from libs and generally refused to give any of it to victims of police violence. And now we see that in their foundational demands, they're just libs wanting to ban Drumpf from twitter and get the police to investigate themselves.
BLM national is probably not relevant anymore and should be viewed with hostility and suspicion. And again, local chapters can be significantly better and this is an important distinction imo.
They only recognize like 4 or 5 chapters, the rest are all independent and self organized
This time it will be different. The crimes and racism of the police will be revealed and every single cop will be too ashamed to ever do a racism again.
Source: Trust me bro
Libs are seriously still on the ban Trump from everything shit? Lmao
If they stop obsessing over trump they'll have to focus on real problems. They don't want to do that, it will cost them too much money.
It will never stop during our lifetimes. Old people used to rail against FDR, and some still blame Nixon for today's problems.
It's human psychology. They get a bad thought that they know is unacceptable. They have to get that bad thought out. Solution: blame The Other. It's worked for thousands of years. Think of the preacher that constantly warns of the evils of homosexuality, and that you should never go down to that truck stop on the highway because their bathroom is where all the evil men are to be found. Blaming the Trumpmonster will never go away. It's too emotionally fulfilling.
Call the mods on Trump, that'll end white supremacy once and for all.
Why the fuck are most of these about trump?
We need to demand systemic fixes, not bar the bad man from the system, god damnit libs
I was seriously expecting: "Force Trump to release his tax returns".
I count two of seven as being about Trump. That's far from unreasonable considering he's eligible to run in 2024, is by far the GOP's best shot that year, and there's a good argument that things were (and would be again) worse for black people under Trump. We can quibble over that last part, but it's far from an absurd position.
It's also important to remember that the target for this is probably libs, and there's some value in speaking partially to their priorities to get support for your own.
It’s also important to remember that the target for this is probably libs, and there’s some value in speaking partially to their priorities to get support for your own.
That's true, but it speaks to a concerning direction that the forces of capital are pushing things in. Its not abysmal, but it's concerning
Throwing Trump in prison is good because hopefully it will normalize punishing Conservative political enemies and not just leftists. Making violence at the forefront of our "polite" society will finalize the dialectic that violence has been the standard for everyone else.
Honestly that artist is pretty consistently hilarious haha
none of these are material demands, 5 gets close but never talks about redirecting the resources.
1 and 4 are entirely focused on Trump and 2 is entirely pro-Democrat.
6 is a workable sentiment but like you said, there's no material or policy demand other than an implication that the surveillance bills being approved should be spiked. They should be making some kind of clear demand when it comes to defunding police or defanging the surveillance apparatus of the US police force, but the only direct demands they make are shit about banning Trump from public office and social media. Total Twitter-brained-nothing demands.
Oh right and their insistence on even more investigations into the Jan 6 insurrection is going to run completely counter to item #6, because launching a massive congressional investigation is going to involve invading people's privacy and expanding the abilities of both Congress and federal agencies in digging up shit about private citizens.
We're six months away from "Black Lives Matter demands, brought to you by State Farm"
Lmao at the juxtaposition of the last demand. The police are a violent, inherently racist corrupt institution that cannot be reformed and must be systemically dismantled. That's why we're calling on President Biden to pass the BREATHE act
- Abolish the police
- Prosecute all US war criminals (that includes Trump!)
- Do everything else on the Black Panther Party's list.
I'm guessing this is the national org? They're useless lib grifters
Definitely to the former and I'm not sure about the latter depending on what you mean. They've got real PMC Democrat leadership types so in that sense absolutely.
I mean like they probably have been infiltrated by the FBI or CIA, they did it to the BPP and BLM is a much easier nut to crack.
They also killed most of the founding members, so they had the ability to shape national basically from the beginning
Of course, but sometimes they don't even need to - the PMC flaks do the work for them.
They're definitely compromised. Trevor from Champagne Sharks did a great livestream on the co-option of BLM by the usual bullshit NGO complex.
Well, you see, one of the original organizers had a Rose Emoji on Twitter so now it's basically Stalinist.