title, basically.

I mean they lost a lot of writers when they dared to represent the Pride Flag for a while, it was a whole big schiism and all. The actual SPCs and Tales don't really seem to reflect this, I read a lot of those and honestly, apart from the setting (and even then), most seem to explore things that are, genuinely, apolitical, because it's all supernatural.

  • all_or_nothing [they/them,she/her]
    3 years ago

    It's good. I like the trans homestuck one that all the gamers hate. There are some pretty lib skips like the Tupac one and the wizard Nancy Pelosi one though.

      • 5bicycles [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I didn't know this one before because there's literally like 5000 of the damn good things now, but it also sits at +607 Votes which puts it squarely into the most top rated SCPs of all time

    • 5bicycles [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, but then the questions persists as to how the pride flag ever got flown and/or how that didn't nuke the whole site.

      I mean it clearly seems to have fostered it's own community (with it's own problems, I might add) but it's not like it was a full of 4channers at that point

      • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
        3 years ago

        this is gonna seem weird, but i promise you it's true: 4chan had a lot of queers. less so now that it's solidly The Nazi Site, but in its earlier eras, the site culture was about escaping from the oppressive, phony restrictions of the real world into a wonderland of transgression. That's not to say the site wasn't always aggressively horny and specifically shaped by the sexual preferences of straight teen nerd boys (its lineage derives from SA after all), but before it was okay to be gay, and love was love, and it got better, online queers didn't have corporate social media where they put their real names, they had anonymous imageboards where they yelled at other social pariahs about anime. Again, not claiming that it was a healthy culture of queer acceptance, but it wasn't uniformly cishet either.

        • 5bicycles [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Appreciate it, but I've been there, quite literally.

          My point being while the 4chan community went fuller assclowns, tthe SCP-Community did not (to this extent).

          Which is what I'm trying to get at is that while the SCP foundation spawned from /x/, they didn't keep a parallel track to /x/ or even 4chan as a whole in their community building. I think it's good to recognize it's root, as that is, with any community, woven into the DNA, but there's little point in arguing the SCP-Foundation went on the 4chan-track as it's cultural development.

        • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Waaaay back when, 4chan used to just be about being edgy. Being queer was edgy, doing internet 'activism' with a guy fawkes mask was edgy, being a liberal / anti-war in the post 911 political environment was edgy, sharing shock photos was edgy, etc. The issue was that by 2008ish, 4chan reacted to the wave of liberal ideology in the wake of Obama's election by becoming nazis. And since nothing is edgier than being a nazi, they're stuck there forever.

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    SCP-2852's effects at a Blue-Level event are present more strongly in the child being baptized, its parents, and any godparents chosen for the occasion. During the baptismal ritual, SCP-2852 will involve itself directly in the proceedings, acting as a third godparent when traditionally there are only two, a male and female. Blue-Level events proceed identically, despite the presence of a third godparent, until the child is submerged into the water. Immediately, the child's top layer of skin will slough off in one piece, as though molting. This process does not seem to harm the child in any meaningful way. The godparents will then eat the skin between each other. Afterwards, the mass will go on as normal, and SCP-2852 will exit along with the family. It is of note that SCP-2852 does not appear at any family celebration held after the baptism.

    The baptized child has a chance of dying within the next six months well above the national average. Living children exhibit multiple Cluster B personality disorders. Most join anti-capitalist groups, various GOIs, or, if unchecked, will engage in destructive behavior usually manifesting in self-harm, abuse of animals, or abuse of small children. Godparents and biological parents will be rendered sterile, regardless of SCP-2852's success in becoming part of the baptismal ritual. Both groups commit suicide within five years of a Blue-Level event, normally through drowning.

    They're not wrong: most catholic leftists (I'm looking at you, Bruenigs) are the product of a Blue Level Cousin Johnny Event

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The only good creepypasta site on the internet :thumb-cop:

    edit: actually that's not true, Bogleech is also good

    • kingspooky [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      Dude, I fucking love Bogleech! That site's creepypasta cookoff is honestly a great way to get into horror writing

  • Esoteir [he/him]
    3 years ago

    some of them are pretty based like SCP-3003 (CW: mild body horror, insects) which is literally just capitalism as an SCP

    however there's absolute cringe on the site too, like SCP-4911 which is about the "spirit of new york" that helps firefighters out on 9/11 before disappearing like a fuckin hallmark holiday special

    Also just found this super sick one, SCP-4669. It has communism, class consciousness being treated as an anomaly to suppress it, and elon musk getting yeeted, pretty dang epic

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      3 years ago

      We don't need a no-strings-attached 9/11sploitation article when the country's whole government and media apparatus has spent 17 years shoving it down our throats to justify the genocidal cash grab known as "the war on terror" and the institution of a domestic spying regime. Turn on the news if you're in the mood to have your heartstrings tugged.

      Maybe our next circlejerk can be around a bunch of flag-covered coffins, and whoever's load is biggest gets dibs on writing the article about how Jesus draped a banner labeled "le freedom of le speech" over the Eiffel Tower after the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Maybe it'll be as chintzy and shallow as this one.

      Give me a fucking break.

      In the comments section, by user Communism Will Win. Unfortunately, he got dragged for it.

      • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
        3 years ago

        IDK what counts as a "power user" over there but I see CWW in like half the comment sections, and they author a ton of SCPs themselves. They're cool

      • Esoteir [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Same person who wrote SCP-3003, absolute comrade

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          3 years ago

          lmao at the comments on that one saying "this could just as easily work as a metaphor for collectivism" or "capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best thing we have"

      • Esoteir [he/him]
        3 years ago

        :sankara-salute: Thanks, I added this

        i need to be more mindful of using CW

      • Esoteir [he/him]
        3 years ago

        america as a drone-happy interdimensional world police after colonizing the afterlife? i'm sold :chefs-kiss:

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I was about to say 3003 is unrealistic because capitalism doesn't give a shit about its subjects' health, but the author actually calls them out as demsoc amoebas in the talk page :michael-laugh:

  • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
    3 years ago

    The SPCs? The Shark Punching Centre?

    But I love SCP and the expanded lore of the universe

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    3 years ago

    Neat conceptually but the site is now horribly bloated with entries and extremely user unfriendly for anyone entering because of the huge divide in quality and intent.

    And that's just for the entries themselves, the stories are even more difficult to get into and in my experience basically requiring word of mouth or some other external thing to help you find any of the actually good ones.

    • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Do you know if there are any resources for finding good ones? Like a list of important ones to read and in what order?

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        3 years ago

        Tbh not really, I usually have to go by what friends say.

        At least for stories two of my favourite longer running tales are "Cool War" which focuses on the anomalous art group Are We Cool Yet? And the "Antimemetics Division" stories that focus on all the SCPs that force you to forget things.

  • D61 [any]
    3 years ago

    I like the content that I've read, listened to, kinda not surprised (still disappointed though) about folks wanting to die on the hill of being against LGBTQ+ folks

    • Shitbird [any]
      3 years ago

      that happened here even and was weird af bigots gon bigot

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        "Open community online" forums gonna "open community online forum" amm'i'right?

        I get why it was a surprise here for some, but how much was legit not understanding what was being asked/supported, legit users who were 'phobic, and wreckers we'll probably never really know.

        Not at all surprised that an open sourced X-files-ish fansite that has as parts of its "lore" using people as disposable test subjects with heavily armed covert military operations teams out wrangling anomalous objects would have a chunk of its fan base leaning toward reactionary.

    • 5bicycles [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah but as a guy who didn't follow any of that drama and just reads the stories, wasn't the splinter project massively unvisited because it was shit

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    3 years ago

    I like it. My favorite is probably the female german android who lives in a wooded enclosure.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    things that are, genuinely, apolitical, because it’s all supernatural

    They're doing tropes. Lots and lots of tropes. The guys maintaining X-Files and Star Wars wikis got together with the guys doing remastered spoofs of InfoWars episodes and decided to make a comedy-horror website thing.

    If you're hoping for Woke Leftism (or even woke liberalism), don't hold your breath. I'm sure at least a few of the writers produced long whiny screeds about the disappointing nature of The Last Jedi. But if you're new to the Lovecraft universe, you've never seen Event Horizon or Hellraiser before, and you like going down a rabbit hole of amateur takes on 80s-tier horror, you'll have fun.