Hey folks,
Let's talk, would anyone be up for starting a zine. I'm looking to collaborate in illustrating, editing, submitting, and writing for it.
Would we want to just do a PDF upload for easy share, a website?
Are we curating the "best of" Hexbear, creating new work, adding just a little bit of spice?
You can make an account on Element and message me @marxisthayaca:matrix.org and I'll start a groupchat.
Thoughts for highlighting some dope /c/ART, /c/writing, and other posts, PAGE of emojis spelling out a message as a fun puzzle, interview/highlighting community efforts, the recent /c/Libre+/c/Technology posts on how to go FOSS/open source and switching to Firefox.
We could have a Liberal Mountain Local News section where we write shitposts in short story format that expand upon the “lore” of the site
Sorry, I need to steal that name to do fictional middle America fluff pieces.
Thank you for your interested, that'd be awesome! I am writing that down and will contact you over DM.
What do we think about distribution? Web stuff is cheap. You definitely want to consider how to get people from beyond this site to read it.
It would be very good to have issues in booklet formatted pdf so that comrade readers can print them off and distributed them to friends and lonely countertops wherever they're at. It also distributes printing costs and makes people part of the process.
Content-wise, I think it would be really great to get some humor in there, because that'll get people to open it long enough to read something useful too. And it will give reason for readers to show people they know.
One beauty of a physical document is that it can transcend the boundaries of a self-selected internet experience, making a zine that can exist abandoned in some coffee shop or dive bar a great medium for propaganda.
As someone who enjoys picking up the pamphlets on random restaurant surfaces, I wholeheartedly endorse this
We definitely want to have a mix of humor, theory, news, etc. I think a pdf that can be printed by others is neat too
Sounds like it could be a fun worthwhile project. I have accumulated decent photoediting skills. Not good eye for design though. And I have written about science topics in the past.
I love all of these! And a writer for science articles would be awesome; do you want to join the gc on element:matrix or just message you here?
I can illustrate and edit. Scanner access and stuff has been a bit iffy lately with a lockdown happening, cases are going down and vaccines are getting out so hopefully that won't be a thing in a month or two.
go to https://element.io/, make an account and message me at @marxisthayaca:matrix
I wrote down what you are interested and will follow up in a DM soon!
This is a great idea! I'm busy with a lot of stuff right now but I'd love to participate when I've got more time. I've got art and writing skills (I've made posts on c/art and c/games, writing about tabletop on a substack ). This is a really good idea and I'd love to see what people can do with this.
added you as a writing contributor on tabletop, art and games. If you have element please message me at Marxisthayaca:matrix.org, or DM me here.
Ok. Well, I'm messaging you with my real name because I already have an account on matrix. So this better not be a honeypot.
don't think i've received your msg yet but i can keep you off the gc, i'll pass on any relevant info to you.
It won't let me DM you on element for some reason.
I don't know if you finally messaged me, but I will follow up in DMs, sometime soon.
It might be cool to drop a short theory of the month in there, too. Just like an excerpt from something.
Best of stuff (if it's a PDF or website) could take quotes or posts and link to them as well.
We will include Theory recs, quotations, summaries, etc. I'm down to be eccletic.
I took down your suggestions. I will send you a follow up DM soon!
Interested in this. I've done a little bit of everything you're looking for but not to a professional level - but I'll put my writing up against anyone.
edit: having trouble messaging you on Matrix, it just says your account doesn't exist.
i'm having that problem finding peeps on matrix, so you ain't the only one. I might switch to a discord and dm depending on people's comfort level
I marked you as interested and I'll be following up in DMs. I'm trying to contact everyone here.
If you end up taking submissions for mildly amusing short fiction, let me know, cause that's the one thing I'm kinda almost good at.
I marked you as interested on short fiction and i'll send you a dm when we finish structuring stuff.
Awesome! I guess I have to actually start writing again now
I like writing and I want to believe I'm almost decent at it. I'd love to contribute!
yo id be hella into this. ive tried to write two zines in the past, neither of which worked out since im lazy as shit and also didnt really have any time. But this would be cool
projects are always fun with more people involved and this can be a low-stake start, add me on element:matrix and i'll invite you to the groupchat
ok every time I use element I can't figure it out. How do I send you a message? I keep searching for you but you are not showing up
are you adding :matrix.org after my name?
I'm having similar probs so we might switch to discord until we figure this out.
Ever since I played Later Alligator any time someone brings up a zine I think of that alligator demsoc tween .