
  • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Lol some dude yelled at me yesterday bc a door he was buying was too expensive, I was just sitting there like k 😐👍 I can't exactly change that

    Honestly the hardest part of dealing with assholes in customer service for me is not laughing at them to their faces, like yes please yell at me, I can just sit here and make money while you do. Please, waste your time to get me paid

      • kimilsungist [they/them]
        3 years ago

        that results in bosses hating his guts even when he licks boot

        :sadness-abysmal: felt that in my entire psyche

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I worked with a chemical engineer at a service based job for a couple years after the '08 crash, dude was so incredibly well read, but he also had Asperger's and everyone always thought he was "weird" or "creepy" and it was so fuckin infuriating having people try to make jokes about him when he was gone. That was the only time I ever ratted on a co-worker, I told them to stop multiple times and it wasn't funny so they decided to triple down and harass them to me, which i absolutely wont stand for idgaf who they are.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      3 years ago

      i've chewed out mine too for being super rude to workers who have no control over things she gets annoyed about. I made her seriously realize why it's not okay to complain about something be out of stock to a cashier or making smart ass comments about produce not being "fresh" enough for her eyes to stockers. Like she worked in a fuckin 7-11 and a fast food place growing up, idk how she became so detached after she became a PMC... but she did :/

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Been in a Grocery Workers union. They sucked and were toothless. When they actually got their shit together and organized a strike the company was gonna hire scabs and continue to operate as normal and then the motherfucking TEAMSTERS showed up and said they weren't going to deliver to ANY STORE WITH STRIKING WORKERS.

    Corporate was trying to change the rules for healthcare for the newer hires. They backed down real quick. Love to all my Grocery workers, and coworkers from my past. We need you. You are vital. Special shout out to the older woman who mentored me when I was a fresh faced 19 year old loser and taught me how to swear in Yiddish.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      3 years ago

      :rat-salute: from a grocery worker whos on the clock and doing union agitation right now.

    • AtomPunk [he/him]
      3 years ago

      My store (coworkers) has exactly 0 political initiative. The only person remotely interested in union politics is a boomer lib. Shit is just so depressing, especially when part timers are put through the grinder for minimum wage. The union, for better or worse, held on to some concessions for the lifers but the next gen is SOL. Just makes you lose hope in the future

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Karen it up against the grocery store. Demand to speak to the manager about why workers are underpaid. Send in complaints to the company about it, let them know their CUSTOMERS aren't taking this shit either. Fucking stockholders are still gonna come first bit it's a thing you can do and it helps.

    • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The sad thing is that the managers are usually fucked over just as much. I've worked with managers working 70 hour weeks over the summer and holidays for $50k a year. Anytime somebody customer goes ballistic its up to the manager to solve it. If someone ODs in the toilet the manager has to call the cops and get them out. The chain I work at will promote people to manager positions, if they're willing to move across the state, and they better be comfortable with filling in at other stores should they be needed. If nightcrew is shortstaffed (they always are) then it's the manager's job to fill in. Being a manager is just as miserable unless you're a sick fuck who takes pride in making a salary that just barely pays the bills.

      Edit: Oh, and is some policy not being followed to the letter because the teenager you're paying minimum wage doesn't care? Is some shelf empty because the warehouse didn't send you product? Corporate will chew your ass out and threaten to fire the manager without a second thought and then the manager has to do something that is gonna fuck up everything in the store for a week to please corporate.

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        3 years ago

        They're the go-between since anyone higher up would never lower themselves to speak directly to a customer. Gotta work with what you got.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      3 years ago

      when i worked at whole foods i use to drastically misprice a bunch of meat i planned to buy for myself. like ringing up prime ribeye steaks that are normally $19/lb to pork butts which were more reasonably priced at $3.99. I quite seriously fed my neighbors and family with that stuff for years while I worked there. Fuck whole foods, they can lick every inch of my taint

      • Bluegrass_Buddhist [none/use name]
        3 years ago


        I worked in a local Greek deli for a couple of years, and by the last year it was clear that the place was going out of business. I spent my last summer there basically just taking as much free halva and bread as I wanted. The shop owners caught on eventually but they were so done with the place that they didn't even care.

        • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
          3 years ago

          you reminded me too, I'd also be the one who would take out the trash and they'd throw away perfectly good meat that was just slightly discolored from oxidation/touching other meat all day, and I'd wrap it up the edible stuff in a separate garbage bag right before closing and go grab all that shit and cook it up or freeze it. The amount of food waste that both could be given to the employees or donated to the food bank (which ALREADY picked up ugly produce) was so fuckin annoying. I really hated that place, especially because they always fucking lied about their image being sustainable and all that fucking green washing garbage shit about uplifting communities.

          The prepared foods section/deli area was the absolute worst though! They quite seriously filled two to three garbage bags of food cooked THAT day and threw it away, hardly ever signed off food to take home for people unless you were buddies with a store manager since they had to sign it off. It's insane how much shit gets tossed out

          • Bluegrass_Buddhist [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Yeah fuck Whole Foods. I once got priced out of a pretty decent apartment and the first harbinger of my eviction was the fucking Whole Foods moving in (that and the yoga studio).

            • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
              3 years ago

              lmfao almost the same exact shit happened to me too! I was thankfully moving already but all the rents were going up by an easy $150-250 a month when they put in a WF near my old place. It also happened to other people I know in a larger city as well after about a year of that store opening.

          • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
            3 years ago

            Yep, a reminder that there's enough food to feed the entire humanity several times over, yet hunger still exist because it's not profitable to deal with it.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago


    The facebook photo of Denny Strong, murdered at the King Soopers shooting.