• theboy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    People’s History of the United States

    Theory is just likely to bore them or piss them off

    • SimpingForMarx [they/them,he/him]
      4 years ago

      This. I've been really thinking a lot about the last episode where Kushbomb talks about the ability of humans to conceptualize and organize themselves through the power of myth. Your average lib can't conceptualize the economic impact of Das Kapital but you can use PHUS to fundamentally change the myth of the United States to them and give them a narrative that can allow them to reconcile any nostalgic memories they have of America with understanding the power structures that have always been fundamentally at odds with the working people of the United States.

      Its a surefire way to have someone that may have at one point considered themselves a patriot to view acts of class struggle and solidarity as a fundamentally American value.