• GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    4 years ago


    I'm friends with a lot of formerly of currently homeless people and for the most part they take better care of their pets than anyone. A lot of people in the street have had their dog be their only friend in town at times. They also give people a reason to get up and do shit and not let depression just totally overtake you in those sorts of situations. I don't think anyone is more attached to an animal than the average street dude is to their dog. The exceptions are an extreme opposite of abusive shitty people who will sell their dog for smack (how my roommate got his dog, of his H dealer at the time. Dealer made the trade so the dog would have a better place to live than with someone who would trade it for heroine. Dealer decided my dude was the best guy he knew to raise the dog, so he got a week's worth so he wouldn't get sick while getting to know and raising a pup and the dog lives with us still now and they are as close as two beings could be tonne another). Either way, rich people basically think of pers as furniture most of the time and deserve them less than most poor people who need fuzzy unconditional love cause they can't buy it.