The media won't give me great answers to this question and I think this I trust this community more, thus I want to know from you. Also, I have heard reports that Russia was winning the war, if that's true, did the west miscalculate the situation by allowing diplomacy to take a backseat and allowing Ukraine to a large plethora of military resources?

PS: I realize there are many casualties on both sides and I am not trying to downplay the suffering, but I am curious as to how it is going for Ukraine. Right now I am hearing ever louder calls of Russia winning, those have existed forever, but they seem to have grown louder now, so I was wondering what you thought about it. Also, I am somewhat concerned of allowing a dictatorship to just erase at it's convenience a free and democratic country.

  • SovietyWoomy [any]
    9 months ago

    The capitalist class. War profiteers gonna war profiteer. The billions of dollars in funding, arming, and training nazis has also broken the overton window. It's gotten so bad that criticism received for giving a standing ovation to an ss veteran can be dismissed as Russian propaganda.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    Well Ukraine itself is definitely losing. They will probably lose territory to Poland as well if this keeps up and they have sold their country out to capitalists, mostly Americans. Loans, land, industries, etc all to pay for "their" war effort. The common Ukrainian is who suffers the most under this. They will be more exploited (paid less for the value of their labor), see more social programs dismantled, and go into a serious recession/depression that may not lift for decades.

    Russia is doing okay. The US is pulling Europe more into its orbit (making them pay more for less from the US while losing a lot of their industry), which is a loss for Russia, but that was the remand endgame of the US anyways. What was surprising, at least to some, was the extent to which Russia could survive and even thrive when subjected to the most significant financial weapons the West has. Overall their economy is certainly in a better place now and a chunk of Ukraine will be theirs and the other chunk will be weak. This is a victory for the ruling class of Russia and its overall geopolitical self-interest.

    The US ruling class is making out like bandits as usual, funding its weapons industry, basically a cash injection for the owner class and the only thing the US ever reliably does (threaten its chosen enemies with destruction).

    • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      They will probably lose territory to Poland as well if this keeps up


      No they won't. It was a fringe position in the Polish far-right before the election and now that the libs have won it's even less likely to happen.

      • 420stalin69
        9 months ago

        It was a fringe position in the Polish far-right before the election and now that the libs have won it's even less likely to happen.

        The Polish far-right are a dominant political force.

        And it’s under the relatively lib coalition that relations have reached their lowest point.

        I think if Ukraine comes out of this with borders that roughly resemble the current front lines then they’ll keep Lviv but there’s a real possibility of political collapse in Ukraine, if things get worse and if the currently cooperating power centers turn on each other, and in that collapse scenario it becomes pretty plausible.

        probably still less likely to happen than not but it’s definitely plausible and there are multiple plausible-to-likely pathways where you can see the political situation in Ukraine deteriorating to the point of collapse.

        I don’t think I buy the current Russian narrative that the military camp are about to coup Zelenskyy but he’s definitely under enormous pressure right now, and even if a coup likely isn’t about to happen you can nonetheless see Zelenskyy and the military camp making political defense lines between each other, and the number of high level aides, spouses, and the like opening boxes that accidentally contained a grenade or suffered an unfortunate food poisoning incident is pretty eyebrow raising.

  • Diva (she/her)
    9 months ago

    Considering this is a war of attrition, "winning" such as it is doesn't look like conscripting every man, woman and child that can hold a gun to get blown up in trenches. They should have just negotiated a year ago.

  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Russia. It's a war of attrition and Russia has the manpower and industrial capacity

    the west didn't misread the situatiom because the west doesn't care about Ukraine they just wanted to kill people

    9 months ago

    Usa has been diverting its weapons supplies to its holocaust in palestine. Most of ukrainian weapons production is in the east, which is no longer under their control. I'd assume they will run out of weapons sooner or later.

    9 months ago

    The capitalist class in the USA is winning the war. Russia is surviving, and Ukraine is losing. The goal of the war is to launder as much tax payer money from working class USA and Europeans to the political elite and their friends as possible. They do this by purchasing weapons from their own capitalists using tax money. The capitalists then share the money with the bureaucracy that facilitates the money laundering. The secondary goal is to subjugate Russia, and failing that, hurt them as much as possible so that they can be subjugated in the future. Subjugating Russia is necessary because Russia's military power is regularly used against the interests of the capitalist class in the USA.

  • Blue and
    9 months ago

    As others have said, it's a war of attrition. There's no end in sight. As it stands, we can only speculate on who is winning. Russia have so far failed to make any significant gains, and Ukraine have so far failed to push the Russians out.

    It's a bit like the stalemates of trench warfare in WW1. Something will have to give eventually.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      9 months ago

      It's a war of attrition that Ukraine is losing because they have a much smaller population to draw on and rely on weapons from the west. Ukraine is already conscripting children, women, and the elderly now. It's absurd to think that such conscripts are going to be able to hold off a seasoned professional army for long.

        9 months ago

        If Russia actually had a "seasoned professional army", this war would already be over. Russia is putting inexperienced youths from underdeveloped regions at the front line because their elite doesnt want to fight.

    • GivingEuropeASpook [they/them, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      It's like the trenches of WWI combined with the forever wars the US fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

      Congratulations Russia, you've saddled yourself with a decades long conflict potentially and lost the geopolitical purpose of invading Ukraine within months since Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership.

      • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
        9 months ago

        Sweden and Finland were part of the EU defense clause. They were already defacto NATO members. Sweden even was constantly aggressive towards russia before the Ukraine war.

        Now the Americans can openly build their bases. The welfare states of these two nations will certainly decline as well. The presence of american bases, curiously leads to the same economic policies each time.

      • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Ukraine eventually would have invaded Russian lands under a pretense that Russia had attacked first.

        Western media would have covered for this. How exactly could Russia have avoided this war of Western aggression?