Fuck yeah party-cat flag-non-binary-pride

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    9 months ago

    Regional thing anecdote: got into a cab once and there was a dign on the back of the driver's seat that was obvious to passengers which said "I am a trans woman and I do not want to be called 'man's or 'buddy'. Which I can respect the preference regardless of circumstances but she had an accent that seemed Scandinavian of some kind and this maybe makes more sense now. Is 'buddy' a male coded term in Europe? Cause here it's gender neutral and especially where I am in the Canadian maritime it's very very ubiquitous to just refer to someone as 'buddy' or 'bud' as like...a generally friendly thing. Sort of an indication you're willing to engage on a casual bit of chit chat in a friendly way. If you've seen Trailer Park Boys, I grew up exactly where it was filmed and based on and aside from the obvious Rickyisms and stuff, that's how working class people here speak. Buddy is as gender neutral here as dude is in California except dude is masculine coded. Anyway, I wasn't gonna argue this point with the trans immigrant cabbie, but is 'buddy' male gendered elsewhere?