Today isn't my birthday, just something I've thought about in the past.

Personally, me and my friends don't really exchange gifts on eachother's birthdays, but I always make the effort to at least give them a call to wish them a happy one/leave a message doing so.

They're good people and I love em', but overall they very rarely return the favor, and it kinda hurts my feelings ngl.

  • crime [she/her, any]
    4 years ago

    I have adhd and bad time blindness and I've forgotten my own birthday before. I miss a lot of stuff like that, especially with covid cause once people are out of sight they totally slip my mind no matter how much I care about them, and as I've gotten older I'm pretty sure that makes me a bad friend to a lot of people — the ones that stick around aren't bothered by it.

    You might want to tell them it bothers you, if someone I considered myself close with mentioned in passing that lack of birthday calls/texts disappointed them I'd make an effort to remember for the next year. Especially cause I assume most people are like me and find answering birthday calls and texts to be a lot of work especially for a day that's nominally supposed to be about me.

    • kota [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Time blindness.. that's a great way to describe it ive never heard that. Personally, I set reminders on my phone for a few of my friends who I know care about that stuff. I still have to ask my mom where I was born and other similar nonesense every time I fill out government forms. Gonna be tough when she's gone.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i generally do not do birthdays so they mostly don't but it is fine i don't either

  • Kanna [she/her]
    4 years ago

    There are a few birthdays I try to remember. I'm bad at remembering, so I have them in my phone calendar to help. I think it's worth bringing up to them as something you'd appreciate too.

  • BelovedOldFriend [he/him]
    4 years ago

    We went kart racing and had a party at the pool, so they just told me in person. One also texted, tho, so that was nice.

  • WhatAnOddUsername [any]
    4 years ago

    Facebook reminds people of birthdays, so I always get a flood of Facebook posts on my birthday. I don't think it's usually because they remembered it themselves, and the messages usually aren't very personal. I guess I'm very weird, because I don't enjoy receiving a bunch of generic messages that say nothing more substantive than "Happy birthday".

    But rather than complain about it, I tried to channel my annoyance into something positive last time by setting up a birthday fundraiser so that, whenever someone posted a generic "Happy birthday!" message, I would thank them and reply with a link reminding them of my birthday fundraiser. So when I received annoying repetitive birthday greetings, I got to annoy them back with a repetitive message of my own. What are they going to do? Tell me I'm a jerk for raising money for a good cause on my birthday? Obviously my motivation was very passive-aggressive and childish, but I ended up raising a few hundred dollars for a legal fund to help people in ICE centers, so I'll probably do the same thing next year.

    Having said all that, as much as I might like to say that my birthday isn't important to me, I think I'd be mildly bummed if nobody sent me a greeting. And judging by this thread, it looks like some people find it really important to receive birthday greetings and are very hurt when they don't receive one. So I'm trying to send my friends birthday greetings more often, although I try to personalize them at least a little bit.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    4 years ago

    Just to family members. Our friend group couldn't care less about that stuff.

  • vertexarray [any]
    4 years ago

    Only the ones that feel a high degree of social responsibility. I think it's more down to how people are socialized and their ability to show emotions than anything else.

  • AllenSmithee [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm in a group chat with 5 other guys I'm friends with but only one of them DMed me privately yesterday on my birthday. Not gonna lie, feels real bad.

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    4 years ago

    I do (did) and was very good about it but my friends don't because they're assholes. Fucking pricks couldn't even send me a text so fuck them and fuck their future birthdays. Deleted all that shit from my calendar. In my opinion, it simply shows they don't care about you so you shouldn't care about them.

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    4 years ago

    Lol no only my most immediate friends and family bother. When I was on fb I’d get wishes from ppl I was t super good friends with but that was the better part of a decade ago

    Tbf i don’t remember anyone’s bday but the three closest ppl to me so it’s fair haha