She started speaking.
[Sorry for off-topic, thought people might enjoy the update.]
With my anime preparation from both Hexbear and Wikipedia in-mind, I embarked on to my dinner the other night rather confident and dressed well, but a little nervous. When I arrived to pick her up, she came out slightly overdressed -- that was no issue to me, and I am not really one to judge someone's outfit. However, she saw I was a slight notch below that level of dress and began profusely apologizing: I tried to calm her by telling her it was alright, but to no avail. She invited me back inside to meet her mother while she got changed in to something else.
She changes and we go out to my car. I drive, and I shit you not: she literally does not stop fucking speaking. When I say "does not stop speaking", allow me to clarify; what you may think is that she talked for 5 minutes but rested for another 5. This was not so; she legitimately never stopped talking. She was essentially a auctioneer in her ability not only to fill her lungs in milliseconds but my entire ear with words. She told me precisely how to drive. She yelled at me where to turn. She screamed at me that I was driving wrong. She raised her voice in one word and lowered it in the next.
After asking me if I like anime, I respond and she lists off every single anime she likes -- all 40 of them -- and she asks me, finally, what anime I like. I respond truthfully and say I've read JoJo's. She makes a disgusted face. Alright. We're dealing with things here. I say I've been thinking of watching Evangelion, since the art and allegories interest me.
She says she doesn't know what that is.
I was completely baffled.
I said: Neon Genesis Evangelion.
She said again that she has never heard of it.
I thought I was being high-level trolled. Hours removed from this moment I have still pondered it and my bafflement has remained. Her answer swims before me as the monomaniac incarnation of all those malicious agencies which some deep women feel eating in them; no answer, no turbaned Turk, no 14-y/o EVA pilot, could have smote me with more seeming malice.
This generally set the tenor of our dinner, as she talked about herself for the next 2 hours. She revealed absolutely everything about her life; ex-boyfriends, ex-dads, ex-girlfriends, ex-bosses, anime and conventions and how alcohol affects her and cosplay. She tells me about her fetish for yaoi. She told me that she was physically 22 but felt she was mentally 15. I am rather uncomfortable! I must repeat again: she never stopped speaking. She never asked me anything about myself.
I honestly worry people might think I'm being cruel by posting this, because it was simultaneously amusing to me but honestly kinda sad. I legitimately felt bad for her, because it was clear no one had ever taught her differently or that she should not be this way. Not only because absolutely nobody will put up with being nearly-screamed at for 2 hours straight, but because of how incredibly vulnerable it leaves her to abusive people.
I was able to maybe get in 200 words over the course of the night. My preparation was for naught, as was my tasteful sleeveless turtleneck. At the end of the night I dropped her off, and she continued happily on, ignoring that I had not even asked to walk her to the door or follow-up, and only I am alive to tell the tale. I remembered the words of one commentator, who said: "Just ask her about her favorite anime, I'm sure she'll be glad to tell you," and chuckled as I drove away. Boy, did she!
I'm really not a fan of the smug tone of this overall. I'm sorry you had a bad date, but don;t going running to the internet to mock her. Yes, she obviously has social issues. Just brush it off and move on. Do you think she was comfortable? Do you think a comfortable person would try that hard to fill every available minute with conversation? The amount of ex-things there shows she clearly has a problem with relationships, were you not aware of this before getting the date? I'm confused how you wouldn't know that this individual talked a lot before getting a date with them, I'm assuming you met them online or through some other indirect method. It doesn't exactly sound like she had a stellar evening either. So you had a bad date, be a grown-up and just move on.
Animaniacs might even be too niche for a comparison. It's like not knowing who Bugs Bunny is
Yeah, I know exactly how weird that is. If they just posted something "went on date with big anime fan, they didn't know eva" then I'd be fine, it's laughing at a weird set of circumstances. What I'm bothered by here is them dragging their date through the mud like this person was out to get them.
It feels like they're practicing stand up comedy mocking their date. Very poor taste.
You're not totally wrong it is a little insulting but I'm trying to give OP the benefit of the doubt. They were extremely nervous about the whole thing too.
edited for pronouns
Yeah, the girl her sounds pretty nervous and they never mention trying to calm her except at the very start.
eh, a sleeveless turtleneck under a sweater/jacket(or a virgin killer) can look pretty good.
The Virgin Killer sweater is a good look. I've successfully gotten dates purely based on my back muscles being nice thanks to one of these. Here's one under a jacket .
under a jacket or sweater it looks the same as a normal turtleneck, just maybe some more arm shown. Arguably, this is the look DIO has in Stardust Crusaders. I'll admit I prefer how the virgin killer looks on the feminine form over the masculine, but I think it would probably work similarly.
her fetish for yaoi
I'd have just left at that point right there
If a girl tells me she has a thing for yaoi on the first date I'm proposing personally.
no, women fetishising MLM relationships is fucked up and gross, I am sorry
Yeah, having experienced a yaoi fangirl first hand at school...
Was not a fan of her constantly being incredibly creepy whenever she saw me talking to another dude
I'm saying this from my armchair, but based on your description I wonder if maybe she's on the spectrum.
I went out on a date one time with a girl I'm pretty sure was on the spectrum. She was very sweet and attractive. She ended up not digging me and I was kinda sad about it. Dunno how this fits into anything but yeah. If anyone on the spectrum is reading this, you're cool and don't sweat dating.
there's a big overlap between neurodivergent people and hardcore anime fans. I am saying this as an observation, not a dig at either group. I am a hardcore anime fan and many people suspect I'm on the spectrum, but I won't ever look into it.
We don't need to be stopped. Unconditional need is a fallacy.
This is hilarious. Sorry it didn't go great for you comrade but hey you tried! I wouldn't feel bad that seems like a pretty normal reaction to a weird date.
I sure hope so. Anyone asking the weebs on a communist forum for dating advice really shouldn't be serious.
The whole post was :cringe: but that line made me laugh. If this wasn't a bit, it's indistinguishable from one.
It happens. A lot of my friends are slightly older but they’re only into stuff that came out in the last five years. I mention something from before 2010 and they have no clue what I’m talking about 9 times of 10. Gotta remember that Eva is almost 30 years old.
smdh my damned head, zoomers call themselves otakus and they don't even know the classics.
Not seeing Eva is one thing, but having not heard it it. That's stunning
First half sounds like a true disaster - idk about the rest of you, but when I saw the first post I figured this had a chance of unfolding the way it did.
The rest ain’t it chief, relax. Seems like she has stuff to deal with - it’s fine to want no part of it, especially after that drive, but running here to air her dirty laundry is a little weird.