I actually really like texting. I'm the type who writes out their thoughts with punctuation and I can see what it is I'm saying.
I get really anxious on phone calls and have to write what I want to say sometimes when it's bad.
But there is a type of person who I dislike texting. Someone who draws out a conversation or fails to contribute to the back and forth. It's hard to say goodbye during a text exchange and I don't know how to better address that with the friends that do this.
I just leave convos if the response doesn't need a follow up from me. Maybe drop a hint as to whether or not you got a minute to talk or you're just free for a while
That makes sense. I think it's my own social anxiety that makes conversations like that difficult to do over text. But I'll give your advice a try. Thanks!
Oh yeah for sure man, I hate texting and love phone calls too. rapidly tapping button labeled 'SICKO ALARM' under desk
I just don't know what to do on phone calls anymore. I ring up my friends get nervous and tell them there is an outstanding arrest warrant in their name and they have to call this number immediately to get it sorted.
I kind of just hate cell phones in general, text or call.
My biggest beef is with how it kind of trains us to be available to other people 24/7 with the expectation that if you are NOT immediately available something is wrong.
I hate talking on the phone. Most of the time if someone calls me I reject the call and text them to see to what's up.
Sorry dude it's texting all way. All phone calls here are scams anyways.
The Death is Just Around the Corner guy says it's a loss of resolution and I agree, that's what I don't like about it.
This also applies to social media.
i agree from like, a utility standpoint.
phone calls are so much better for an exchange where both people need to submit info, like planning a thing. it takes many more texts & the downtime between to resolve things a 10-second call could.
but a text can be more carefully crafted, and sometimes thats nice. also pictures/memes/emojis are in your toolbox when you text.
Depends on the Convo. If it could fit in a tweet, it's a text. If I writing an essay, I'll just call