Obviously a hypothetical scenario. There is no way to pass on the knowledge to anyone else. Time freezes for you only, and once you have your answer you are out of this world.
The question can allow you to see into the past, present and future and gain comprehension of any topic/issue. But it's only one question.
Edit: the point isn't "how to cheat death". You can't. Your body is frozen and there is nothing you can do with this knowledge other than knowing it, and die. So if you would rather be frozen in a limbo just thinking of numbers for eternity, be my guest.
Such a variety of replies, it's been really interesting to read them!
What would you want to know? Personally I'd want to see a timelapse or milestone glimpses of humanity's future until the end of Earth's existence (if we survive that long)
Maybe, you get to choose the point. What were the moments that made it all worth it?
Was I ever a good impact on someone else's life?
Simple and sweet. Let's you go to the next thing either with your head held high or knowing for sure if you just lived and died.
By what mechanism did the universe come to be, or if it simply always existed, why does it exist in this particular way with these particular laws?
I was going to say “are we in a simulation” but this would work too.
Will revolution and communism win or will humanity hit the wall with the great filter and wipe ourselves out?
Starting right now, how can I preserve my personal conscious existence until I'm ready to no longer exist?
"You can't. You had literally all of eternity to ask your final question, you could've used some of that time to come to terms with your death, but instead you immediately used up your question(and your remaining time) trying to cheat death. Goodbye"
Assuming other implications (existence of an afterlife and God) with this scenario I would have but one question. Why? Why everything? Honestly I would be mad furious if there was an afterlife. More so if there was a God.
I don't want it. I have invested all of myself to the existence that I am. Why would I need to bother with it if there is afterlife.
Life is only as meaningful as it is fleeting. As soon afterlife comes into the equation it nulifies all of that. Then you must invent God as an arbiter that gives meaning to your life.
Personally I wasn't assuming either the existence of God or an afterlife when I posted but I left it open to interpretation on purpose. I would totally agree with you if such was the case, it's a valid question worth asking. I'm not sure if I'd be mad at an afterlife, that would depend on the answer to "why", and what the afterlife was all about.
If I die today, as in stop existing completely, I wouldn't have any questions. When I die I will no longer be, there will be no conscience, no memories, nothing. That is the death I desire.
If I exist after death, even for a moment, that means death is not the end. Who am asking questions? Why can I ask one last question? How can I get one question / request fulfilled this one last time? I can't really separate these things that easily.
Well- it's a fantasy scenario. And the question happens right before death, not after. Your reasoning makes sense taking the situation literally, but in essence the post is about gaining knowledge just for the sake of knowledge, without any practical use or impact in your life.
Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake?
What's the total weight in poop I produced over the course of my life.
How does priority work in MtG?
In actuality though I'd probably kick up a reincarnation loop by asking for the full experience of every living and inanimate thing the universe has to hold, starting with everyone/everything I ever interacted with and branching exponentially from there.
In actuality though I'd probably kick up a reincarnation loop by asking for the full experience of every living and inanimate thing the universe has to hold, starting with everyone/everything I ever interacted with and branching exponentially from there.
Congratulations, every worst experience and death you ever read about? Now you're getting hands on experience of it!
The ask is so I can feel a connectedness to and understanding of reality; if I just ask for the good stuff I'm lying to myself. So yes all of the worst things but that's a pessimistic view on it because there is a lot of joy and life out there too. And in actuality the huge bulk of what I experience would just be stars roaming around anyway
Do people believe the things they say? I probably want to go case by case
Personally I'd want to see a timelapse or milestone glimpses of humanity's future until the end of Earth's existence (if we survive that long)
I'd ask for the same thing, but not a glimpse, I'd ask for an immersive first person view, and not a timelapse, I'd want to see it in realtime.
And just like that, I'd be reborn.
You'd have no agency though. You'd be a passenger in someone else's mind, unable to communicate or intervene. I understand the appeal but personally, without agency I'd be bored quickly. I'd rather satisfy my curiosity in a shorter timeframe and be gone.
What caused the bronze age collapse and are we socially overdue for a similar one?