How good would the experience be with a linux phone and an external camera?

I've got a pixel 6 and although camera's are getting better each year, it's not even close to a dslm. And video qualit is probably better with a proper action camera.

I mean, directly "mounting" the camera to the phone and shooting with the phone.

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    9 months ago

    Would recommend using an external camera to be honest.

    There is a ton of software needed to get the most out of a camera, and from the little I understand about embedded image processing a lot of it happens inside proprietary blobs. You can get the image directly as an alternative, but it will look like garbage without reprocessing the input (preferably inside an open source component, with the downside of sometimes being unable to use the hardware to accelerate this)

    Right now if you wanted a high quality, mostly open source Linux device with a camera, IMO you'd be looking at the Raspberry Pi, and there is still a ton of work to do. The work being done there, as well as Libcamera, the V4L2 replacement for MIPI/CSI cameras, should eventually make its way into Linux phones - but no idea when that will happen

      9 months ago

      I thought about tethering. I've played with tethering in the past for astrophotography which is working alright.

      I don't want to mount the sensor directly to the computer - that's impossible for a camera noob like me.

    9 months ago

    this is possible in theory, libcamera can expose all of the bits that are needed, have fun actually finding hardware to support this though

    9 months ago

    I mean, directly "mounting" the camera to the phone and shooting with the phone.

    This is pretty standard on most decent cameras, although it's usually used with the camera and phone separate. Photographers will set up a a camera on a tripod and use a phone or laptop to control it remotely. It can be used to control multiple cameras.

    The youtube and tiktok generation will mount the phone to the top of the camera, usually using the flash mount, and face it forwards. This way they can see the screen while they're facing the camera, and be able to see the framing of the shot while they're shooting.

    The biggest problem you'll find is that the phone apps are designed for Android and Apple, or maybe Windows Phone. I haven't used a Linux phone, so I don't know if they run their own apps, or if they run Linux programs. If they run Linux programs, then it's just a case of finding one that controls your specific camera, and has the controls that you want.

      9 months ago

      Thx for the input! I'll research in the direction of it further more - maybe first with android in mind.

      9 months ago

      so I don’t know if they run their own apps, or if they run Linux programs. If they run Linux programs, then it’s just a case of finding one that controls your specific camera, and has the controls that you want.

      we can run linux desktop, linux mobile or android apps, but camera support in waydroid is broken for a while when using v4l2

    9 months ago

    Why shoot with the phone and bother mounting it, if such a solution existed, instead of using the phone as a phone and the camera as a camera separately without mounting

    9 months ago

    Just a thought, but in a few years all old ugly photos can be refined, upscaled, content edited, rotated and animated - in 32K ultra. It could even recognize the exact mobile model a random photo was taken with and pre-set the best filters.

    It prolly won't matter much if the photo is taken with a hundred year old handheld plate camera or a brand new digital mounted one - it will look great regardless.

    Are you sure photo hardware is the way to go ? I think I would just use whatever you already have and upgrade the pictures later when the software allows it.

      9 months ago

      Upscaling isn't really the holy grail

      And it can't definitely make up for the subpar image stabilisation of the pixel.