Spoilers for a 13 year old game that got retconned anyways

For those who don't know, at the end of Fallout 3 you have to go into a heavily irradiated room to prevent a big water purifier from exploding. Your character will die but your act of self-sacrifice gives everyone in the wasteland clean water which had been very rare up to that point. However it's been previously established (explicitly and several times) that supermutants are immune to radiation, and the game has a very prominent supermutant companion: Fawkes. You would think you could just ask Fawkes to go into the radiation chamber, but no, you get this incredibly stupid line and are forced to kill yourself. Fawkes up to this point has been very selfless and one of the kindest characters in the game.

Like how do you fuck up writing your game so badly this situation is even possible?!

  • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Can we talk about why they decided to build Megaton around a literal bomb??
    Like if you are survivors of a nuclear war scouring the wastelands why would you stop at a bombsite and be like "yeah here is good."

    • FlakesBongler [they/them]
      3 years ago

      It's theme park design

      Each place has a thing that makes you go "Ooh" and that's it

      Don't even think the game gives you an in-universe explanation other than "We did it, why not?"

      • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        Honestly, after playing 4 and NV I was disappointed with the world of FO3.
        Megaton is kind of ugly...the whole setting is pretty ugly....which I can get as an artistic choice....but I don't super care for it.

        Rivet City was really the only place I thought was interesting and unlike Megaton kind of makes sense why people who move/settle there.

        There was that "town" with the VtMesque quest, but it was more like a three building farmstead of something.
        When I heard about Canterbury Commons I thought it was gonna be alot more than just like....two buildings and three blokes.
        I think Bunker Hill in 4 pulled off the "caravanner hub city" thing better tbh.

        Everything just felt kind of dead tbh....which like....yeah post-apocalypse....but it's not the most fun world to explore.
        I guess Pentenny Tower was pretty good....and tbh I never found Paradise Falls because I wasn't expecting the main quest to finish so quickly and then the game was over.

        • andy [he/him]
          3 years ago

          That's what happens when the devs refuse to innovate past an engine that can't render more than 10 NPCs.

      • gaycomputeruser [she/her]
        3 years ago

        The water around megaton shouldn't have been radioactive and should have been some of the cleanest water available cause of the constant irradiation which should kill pretty much anything in there.

    • Caocao [he/him]
      3 years ago

      yup, and then the morally complex decision regarding Megaton is "do you want to nuke a town full of people for literally no reason, or do you want to not do that?"