Please don't make fun of Havana syndrome (HS) or its victims. Last night I went to the hospital and told them to run tests on me. They checked my heart, my lungs, even my reflexes. They looked in my eyes and ears. They gave me an ultrasound and a CT scan of my torso. They took venous and arterial blood samples along with stool and urine. I watched them take a bacterial swab from my nose and culture it. They hooked me up to an EKG machine while checking my blood oxygen, then compared those results with the values from my cardiac labs. They had me say the alphabet backwards and read a sign that was far away, then arranged an Ishihara test with a specialist. I had my hearing checked, multiple moles biopsied, and literally sat there while they put a needle in my spine to collect the fluid.
Please don't make fun of Havana syndrome (HS) or its victims. Last night I went to the hospital and told them to run tests on me. They checked my heart, my lungs, even my reflexes. They looked in my eyes and ears. They gave me an ultrasound and a CT scan of my torso. They took venous and arterial blood samples along with stool and urine. I watched them take a bacterial swab from my nose and culture it. They hooked me up to an EKG machine while checking my blood oxygen, then compared those results with the values from my cardiac labs. They had me say the alphabet backwards and read a sign that was far away, then arranged an Ishihara test with a specialist. I had my hearing checked, multiple moles biopsied, and literally sat there while they put a needle in my spine to collect the fluid.