'the green new deal' is this ecological and social panacea to left libs in the UK and US. it completely fails to address one of the core contradictions of capitalism, this exponential growth and exponential production is in and of itself an anti ecological thing that will still destroy the environment regardless of how much you build solar arrays and electric cars. it's based off of the idealisation of the concessions won by workers without any material analysis of WHY there were workers movements that needed to be paid off with better conditions, and WHY we are in the mess we are in now with regards to the environment. like all utopian ideas to fix our current situation without any radical transformation or breakdown of the mode of production and consumption, it completely fails to see that those ARE the ultimate forces that brought about the current compounding crises; even as opportunism or 'the lesser evil' it is not lesser it is more of the same with a pat on the back for progress that vents the demands for ecological action and better lives and conditions for the working class.
what it is, is class colaborationism. the capitalists get huge demand for new 'green' products and projects to make massive sales on, and workers get new jobs with slightly better conditions and pay. the most ecological car is the one you already own, the logistics and production in making parts for new cars and the resource extraction for those cars is itself a bad thing, and should be limited; you cannot compare a car already in front of you to the hypothetical building of new greener cars en masse as being at the same level, the same is true of all 'green products' making new shit is worse than reusing what already exists for longer over the frivolity of throw away mass consumption. this is not radical, this is a venting of class consciousness that inherently is anti ecological and seeks to merely perpetuate the status quo of the decaying stages of late capitalism just to eke out a few more years of sales while beating down the real demands for actual change and solutions.
it would give them leverage though, with the aim of empowering collective bargain, since companies would have to use workers' credits, the personal responsibility here is actually good since it forces all orgs into a fait accompli that they have no power over, and the fact that they'd be equal for everyone should lower the risks of corruption, but it's not gonna happen anyways