TLDR: Companies should be required to pay developers for any open source software they use.

He imagines a simple yearly compliance process that gets companies all the rights they need to use Post-Open software. And they'd fund developers who would be encouraged to write software that's usable by the common person, as opposed to technical experts.

It's an interesting concept, but I don't really see any feasible means to get this to kick off.

What are your thoughts on it?

    9 months ago

    I mean just license it as such right? You can't say it's completely free for anyone to use then complain you aren't getting paid.

      9 months ago

      Well the question is, how would such a license look like? Or would it be a contract and not a license?

      I guess I should ask a lawyer these questions, but I wanted to see what others here thought about the idea.

    9 months ago

    people are always going to be floating ways to save capitalism in the face of communities privileging freedom over greed.

    this completely misses the point of free software, and fails to solve the problems Mr. Perens identifies with Open Source. He claims it fails to serve the "common person" (end users) and then proposes a solution that serves... only devs.

    Open Source has completely failed to serve the common person. For the most part, if they use us at all they do so through a proprietary software company's systems, like Apple iOS or Google Android, both of which use Open Source for infrastructure but the apps are mostly proprietary... Indeed, Open Source is used today to surveil and even oppress them.

    All these problems are already solved by free software. the rebranding of "open source" was a compromise on the principles of free software to make the movement palatable to profit-seekers. In the end, it predictably failed to improve anything. The solution isn't to reinvent the wheel, it's to stop making the wheel square because the square lobby insists they'll only use it if it's square. The solution is copyleft, and free software being used more than it's defanged cousin.

    The common person doesn't know about Open Source, they don't know about the freedoms we promote which are increasingly in their interest

    That's a feature, not a bug. On one hand, if people knew about free software they wouldn't be as good consumers. On the other hand, internals should be opaque to users; just as devs don't want to have to know how the logic gates in the CPU are routing their code to write code, end users shouldn't have to worry about the politics of the communities that developed their code.

    9 months ago

    Fuck no. A small business that is struggling to survive should be able to use WordPress for their website and Linux for their laptops without paying

      9 months ago

      The fee could be really small but scale depending on factors like business size. Or there could be no fee outright for businesses smaller than a certain size.

        9 months ago

        That still sounds like a lot of confusion for small companies. especially given most FOSS is provided as-is without any legal consultant avaliable.

          9 months ago

          It's also against the very idea of software freedoms in the first place. This is just reinventing proprietary licenses.

      9 months ago

      The ability to modify the code is a central tenet of free software. The GPL takes care of making those modifications available to others. That effectively is the payment the original devs get.

          9 months ago

          Again, my freedom to use and modify the code as I see fit - including selling it - is the whole point.

          There's no doubt the developers deserve support for their work, but there's no requirement imposed by Free Software for this.

          All criminals get away with their crimes for a time. How many companies want to be sitting on a time bomb like that though?

      9 months ago

      If companies are required to pay, then the software is not libre. I understand your intent, but this isn't a solution (even if it was, it would just mean that it would just be a tax for small companies, Meta and Alphabet aren't worrying about a tax), building a stronger community is.

      Commercial software is not mutually exclusive with libre software, and things like copyleft exist to prevent companies from using libre software to create proprietary software.

    9 months ago

    I think that the RHEL example is out-of-place, since IBM ("Red Hat") is clearly exploiting a loophole of the GNU Public License. Similar loopholes have been later addressed by e.g. the AGPL and the GPLv3*, so I expect this one to be addressed too.

    So perhaps, if the GPL is "not enough", the solution might be more GPL.

    *note that the license used by the kernel is GPLv2. Cue to Android (for all intents and purposes non-free software) using the kernel, but not the rest.

        9 months ago

        They're still providing the code for people who buy the compiled software. And they are not restricting their ability to redistribute that code. So it's still compliant with the GPL in the letter. However, if you redistribute it, they'll refuse to service you further versions of the software.

        It's clearly a loophole because they can argue "ackshyually, we didn't restrict you, we just don't want further businesses with you, see ya sucker".

    9 months ago

    TLDR: Companies should be required to pay developers for any open source software they use

    You need to read the article yourself before writing TLDR. Spoiler: it is not about payments, it is about source code availability.

      9 months ago

      If you had also read the article BTW you would have realized that spoilers: it's not about source code availability.

      You saw the first few paragraphs about the Red Hat drama and didn't read further.

      Reading the whole thing you'd realize it's a list of reasons why open source software hasn't become popular with the wider public, and his proposed solution to this.

      I just included the idea he is proposing, others can read the article to see his reasoning.

  • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    Most of these problems are literally just capitalism. This solution is just a band aid, and even then is unlikely to be implemented in a way that will help the problem.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    9 months ago

    "Post-Open Source"

    Overly-teleological modernist framing has hopelessly fucked up tech discourse. Too much declaring things the future and hoping people will just believe you.

    9 months ago

    These are my thoughts regarding FOSS for a long time. The sense of facilitating the development and freedom of the project has been distorted years ago, when large corporations put their hands on this project, controlling it. Just look at the amount of "OpenSource" soft and services controlled by Google, M$, Amazon, FB ..... Yes, they are free to distribute and modifiable by devs, but mostly full of APIs from these corporations, not controllable by the user, subtracting their sovereignty and only modifiable with effort by people capable of understanding the scripts and redirects they contain. For a normal user it is increasingly irrelevant whether the project is FOSS or proprietary, while these products and the internet in general are in the hands of these companies.

    A simple question is enough, which one do you prefer to use? FOSS projects from large corporations, or Freeware from small independent startups, if you don't have the knowledge to review the script anyway, almost impossible in millions of lines, with external references from large apps and services? It becomes decisions of mere trust, perhaps with the help of external services, such as WebKoll, Blacklight, Unfurl and similar, where in the end the license that the product has is irrelevant, with respect to security and privacy, often in question or not, in some like others. In the end only the intentions and ethics of the developer matter.

    Yes, of course, the concept of OSS, FOSS and FLOSS requires a profound review and update, so that it does not become a destroyer of what it aims to protect and promote, a free internet.

    • ....
    9 months ago

    I agree. Either use a business source license like Elastic and others, or fight for the installation of a third party that audits proprietary code for license use and sues if the rules haven't been followed. It's why I like the creative commons. They are quite realistic. Most of their licenses say: if you use this commercially, you have to pay. If not, then it's free.

    People who claim business source licenses are "not opensource" sound like such capitalist shills to me. It's as if they're shouting from the rooftops "it's OK to fuck over opensource developers because principles matter more than reality".

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

      9 months ago

      business source license

      This is nonsense, Business source is not a free license. It is useless to try to invent new and clever licenses if they don't even follow the basic standards for Free software. The solution to helping hackers/devs in their work is not to suddenly reinvent proprietary licenses.

      You might be discouraged to know that CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 is a non-free/proprietary license since it restricts commercial use.

      There is no crude "fucking over." Creating software is a difficult task, and creating software that respects the user's freedom means giving up the temptation to use your abilities for harm and personal benefit.