• Parzivus [any]
    4 years ago

    At this rate, they're gonna go too hard and too fast where (at least on Reddit) the circlejerk will spin back around. There's already a ton of replies to that comment calling them an idiot racist. Can't wait to see people talking about this as if they never thought that and it was just a bunch of losers, like gamergate shit.

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Based accelerationism (in certain contexts)

      I used to purposely China-froth on reddit. I'd write rabidly angry posts against China, and I'd lace it with extremely easy-to-rebut points. Like, so fucking easily disproven that you'd have to be a fucking snail to not immediately see the contradiction.

      IE: FUCK THE CHINESE. China is the most INVASIVE and CONQUEST HUNGRY nation on earth, especially towards Muslims. Nothing that the west has done comes even close to what they're doing right now, in fact the Iraq War was a direct result of Chinese policies under Xi.

      (this comment effectively combines racism, blatant lies, blatant historical inaccuracy, and plainly sets US aggression (iraq war) in sight). Agree and escalate. This type of comment makes Taiwanese/HongKong people think twice about anti-China feelings, it also makes "moderates" a bit uneasy, and it makes people who care about historical facts think that the China-bashers are complete troglodtyes.